As we come to know about King of Pop Mr. Michael Jackson mysterious death. He was a fan of millions of people around the globe. He had created black or white magic by his singing and break-dancing abilities.
I was once indulged in his charisma and turned his fan, due to this. I had his T-shirts, CDs, DVDs and as well as Posters and Wallpapers but few years back I've come to conclusion that he has been used for public mind-control.
I was keen listener of his songs and tried to understand what he said in his songs my friends got amazed how do I understand MJ songs. I told them its easy. All you've to do is to download his lyrics and read it twice or thrice and you are ready to understand him. So one day I downloaded his JAM song lyrics and I found it blasphemous.
He says in his JAM song that False Prophets Cry Of Doom. Since then I burnt his every poster and whatever I had related to him.
I believe that Prophets cannot be falsed. If Prophets false then God is also false and His books which He sent unto His chosen Peoples/Prophets are also false.
I also believe that every true prophet will and did cry of doom because prophets were warner against evil and they call people to prepare for next life which is waiting for mankind and do not indulge in this worldly wealth which is temporary and full of illusions.
I'm amazed that one time multi-million dollar man Michael being died under $400m of debt. What a curse God show to him and his family.
Movies and the Music industry are big mind control centers, used by the Luciferians to influence us in ways that fit their goals. i.e to deny existence of God and His Prophets.
Michael Jackson has also reluctantly admitted to being deeply involved in the occult. He has his own special room with all the walls full of mirrors, where he lives out his occult practices and calls up demons from the spiritual world. He also has said he wakes up in the morning with a whole song in his head - lyrics and music - and he himself is in awe about it. I didn't write this. Someone else did... I am simply the courier who brings the message to this world! Maybe it was the demons that possess you, who wrote those songs, Michael?
False Prophets Cry of Doom.
We always portray music as a 'food of soul'. No, its totally wrong its no longer a food of soul. It can be food of sole but not soul. It is design to distract us from right path and make us accomplice to occult agenda and they don't really care about us.
dear guy-sir,
ReplyDeletefor me the music is headache.
i never being able to understand the food of soul type adage.why there is so much insistence on music?
i came across the argument by javed ghamdi and other new breed of so called religious scholars and suddenly found that as a nation we are being targeted of social engineering.meanwhile i also observed there is new religion growing at higher pace with in the muslims of pakistan and world.the religion i call it "Apolaustic materialism". according to it satisfaction of oneself is the primary thing in this world every other thing is secondary.
followers of this religion is increasing in no and they started rejecting any argument of religion,culture and values against any activity which pleases them. like a music.
first people who loved the music,used to remain silent when they listen any comment against the music.they used to say that we are sinners,pray for us.But now things have been changed.people are "LOUD & CLEAR" against the religious argument.
some time i ask myself what make a society to loose the equilibrium? what make us to go in two different extremes.
like many i also believe that love for music is a powerful indicator of a downfall.
but i couldn't understand the notion of mind control? surely it is the weapon of devil to distract but how the music can be used for mind control?
would you elaborate?
I will only recommend you Dr Israr Ahmed speeches on religious issues no ghamdi at all. Else its up 2 ur free will.
ReplyDeleteyes, you are right once you say Apolaustic Materialism and i do call it Apocalyptic Materialism not a big difference.
if you read the lyrics of most pop and rock music you can understand that it has been used not only to distract us but also use for our mind-control. i gonna give u a link which might be very useful for u in dis regard
Art and Mind Control By Occult