"Our current defense spending is lower than 2% [of GDP]...and it should be at least 3%," A. K. Antony said at a meeting with top military commanders on Tuesday, without specifying a time-frame. India raised its defense spending in February by 10% to $26.5 billion for the fiscal year 2008-2009, but it still fell below 2% of GDP for the first time in at least a decade.
India's neighbors and long-term rivals, Pakistan and China, allocate around 3.5% and 4.3% of GDP to defense, respectively in their new budgets. The minister said top priority must be given to the modernization of the Indian Armed Forces and half of the defense budget should be allocated for the purchase of new military equipment mostly from Israel and Russia. Arm Race aka Armageddon.
Currently two-thirds of India's budget is allocated for military, paramilitary, police, various security forces and debt servicing. That leaves one-third for everything else, including infrastructure development projects, education, health-care, poverty alleviation, and various human services. This new arms buildup by India will leave even less for what India needs most: to lift hundreds of millions of its citizens from abject poverty, hunger, squalor and disease.
I guess Mumbai Attack paved the way for further Indian arm expenditures which is increasing at record high of its history and Pakistan also increase its defense budget on recent country budget. Two fiends who always tries to be a friends but they are fiends and we have been controlled by local and foreign Agencies and by our Poli and Mili leaders.
I Personally believe that Mumbai Attacks and Lahore Attack on Lankan Cricket Team done by same Team none but Mossad in order to escalates our military expenditure so we will go to purchase their arms and carry on Zionists-Apocalyptic-Agenda.
Such an arms buildup by India is sure to fuel an arms race that South Asians can ill afford with widespread abject poverty, hunger, malnutrition and very low levels of human development.
Neither Pakistan nor India can or should continue their misguided arms race, with India using China as its excuse, and Pakistan citing India's current arms buildup, the largest in its history. In Poverty-Hunger Index(PHI), designed to measure progress toward UN's Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), China, ranked 31, is closest to achieving these goals, followed by laggards such as Pakistan at 45, India at 62, and Bangladesh at 67.
And clearly, India, lagging behind both China and Pakistan in terms of basic social indicators of hunger and poverty, is fueling this crazy South Asian apocalyptic-arms race. India continues to show a total lack of leadership on this front.
The South Asian rivals need to recognize, in words and in deeds, that their people are their biggest resource, who must be developed and made much more productive to make the nations more competitive and powerful economically, politically and militarily rather morally. Our Problem is that our Political, Cultural and Military Rulers are Morally Corrupt and They made us too MC.
We are herding towards an Apocalyptic-Agenda wrapped in Protocols of Zion and after reading all Protocols. I gotta that it has a clear motives of greed, wars, recession, degradation of characters, due to this, depression, and depravity, due to this, divisions, and sub-divisions and more sub-sub-divisions in the end [times] it becomes Armageddon. It is known as NWO or more precisely New World Secular Order wrapped in Protocols.
India+Israel and their lackeys are slave to their democracy and they have enslaved us too, They are slave to their human-rights and they have ensnared us too. They are slave to their wealth and they have enslaved us too none but USurious Suckers or USurious Slaves.
In conclusion, Indians+Israel gone astray in a "web of maya" which they call Rosicrusianism or Illuminism or Illuminati, or Enlightenment. Let me tell you clearly this "web of maya" is actually a "web of illusions" or "web of halluci-nations" and this is creating Apocalyptic Armageddon.
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