The contemporary world is a name of Money and Honey. If you have money then you can have honey.
The material world is actually devised to banish Yahweh/God/Allah from all social, political and financial matters. The central bankers who serve Lucifer spin this [forbidden] money out of nothing in order to ensnare us in a web of debt and ultimate plan is to be to devour us: body and soul.
Financial system is a farce/fart which smells so badly that you can even die after knowing and smelling financial-fart/farce.
My topic is to highlight the current financial system and its malignant consequences which we are facing. If we use Gerald Celente words "The Greatest Depression."
The banking system which was being created since 1694 when 1st Bank of England came into being but few US president had warned Americans against banking institutions side-effects in these words.
If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, (i.e., the "business cycle") the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.
Thomas Jefferson, President of the United States 1801-1809
America threw off the yoke of British dominion in 1776 only to institute the very form of that dominion in 1913 when US banking and corporate interests - the same forces Jefferson warned about - recreated the British credit-based banking system in the US in the form of the Federal Reserve Bank - a system whereby private bankers control the issuance of the public currency; and, just as Jefferson had warned, America's freedoms are now at risk.
I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.
Thomas Jefferson, 1816
Tyranny of USury.
In 1913, Woodrow Wilson was President of the US when the Federal Reserve Act was signed into law. Too late, Wilson recognized the damage he had done; and his own words haunt us today as it is now clear what his approval of the Federal Reserve Act set in motion:
A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is privately concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men...We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated, governments in the civilized world - no longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and the duress of small groups of dominant men.
Woodrow Wilson, President of the United States 1913-1921
Capitalism based on Credit.
In capital credit-based systems, credit is fed into the economy in a process whereby producers and consumers are indebted and bankers are enriched. Because credit is an integral part of capital systems, as the economy expands the debt and the interest it produces benefits bankers. The debt and the compounding interest on that debt in turn enslaves producers and consumers.
Like parasites, bankers cannot exist without producers and savers/consumers. In capital credit-based systems, producers and consumers cannot exist without bankers. In savings-based systems where gold and silver are money as was the US prior to 1913, producers and savers can and do prosper without central bank credit and debt.
Over time, in capital credit-based systems, producers and consumers become so indebted that the economy is no longer able to serve and retire previously created debt. This is where the US rather world economies are today. Homeowners cannot pay their mortgages, consumers cannot pay their credit cards, and governments cannot pay their obligations without issuing even more obligations.
US Govt is indebted of $10 trillion while US public owe $14 trillion. Gargantuan $24 trillions total debt 2day Americans impasse in. Welcome to Obamageddon
The banker's credit money system is now everywhere as are their resultant unsustainable debts; and those who profit by that system, the bankers (and the corporations that grew up around them) now control the media, the political process, and the agencies charged with overseeing and regulating the economy - the US Federal Reserve Bank, the SEC, the US Treasury, and indeed the US government itself: the Presidency, the Congress, and the Supreme Court and CFR.
The financial crisis I knew in August 2006 that will occur and is now gaining momentum. Central bankers in Europe, Asia, and America have made available billions of dollars in credit in a failed attempt to restart a stalled and faltering global economy. The central bankers have only succeeding it delaying the coming day of reckoning they themselves set in motion.
Credit leads to debt as well as to expansion and today the expansion has slowed but the debts have compounded. Central banks are the very institution that Thomas Jefferson warned about. Their role in today's problems is misunderstood, an error as fatal as in misdiagnosing a growing cancer.
The whole world is looking to central banks to stabilize world markets. But central banks won't and can't because central banks are themselves the destabilizing force that first issued the credit that has now becoming the defaulting debt that can't be traded.
Central banks are the mechanism by which private bankers create the credit[our taxes] that turns into debt, debt that US homeowners, US consumers, and the US government can't afford to repay;[24 trillions] and the global banks, pension funds, and insurance companies that bought those debts for their expected income streams are now becoming stuck with IOUs/sic investments as worthless as today's subprime CDOs.
Today, Americans are looking to the Fed to protect them against the financial chaos threatening our economy. This is tantamount to the Jews in 1930s Germany looking to the Nazis to stave off a possible holocaust. The Fed cannot help America with its economic problems because the Fed is itself the cause of those problems.
The End of Capitalism
We are at the end of an extraordinary epoch, the end of the age of credit/capitalism. Many pundits predicted the collapse of the present power structures in tandem with an unprecedented crisis that would transform humanity.
That time, the collapse of the world power structures, has now arrived. Transformation comes next; and when the crisis finally passes—and it will—tomorrow will be a far better day. Awareness, community, faith and a bit of gold and silver will be invaluable in the days to come.
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