Updated with some major updates
Democracy which means "rule by the people" or "voted by the majority" is a ruse for all of those who are rubes.
Democracy is a name of fighting 1st in Election 2nd in Selection 3rd in Perfection.
Does politicians get time for public well-being after getting too busy in fighting in these 3 sectors.?
Democracy looks like a charade so I urge to all our pols that they should sell out their Benz and buy a 'charade' car. Haan you can't why not? acha then read below
Democracy to which we think a solution of mankind is just a delusion. There can be no freedom or democracy where mass media and education are tightly controlled.
This is not Democracy rather it is Plutocracy which bribed Judiciary so they plutocrats may get a carte-blanche to do whatever they want to do under the guise of Democracy and Dictatorship. Both D's stand for Despotism run by Bureaucracy which makes rules for rubes.
How ludicrous that feudal-fanatics yelled for Democracy in our country whose ruling class are bunch of feudal and they gotta chance like Z.A.Bhutto who yelled a lot about Democracy but he himself was a feudal so he never came out from his feudal skin and we remain feudalistic country.
Benazir Bhutto, drum-beater of western-style secular democracy and why not, after all she took her education from Oxford and she was a daughter of feudal-democratic type father, finally got back Pakistan and what did she do.? She gone twice on corruption and extra judicial killings without completing her tenure. No one kicked her out except her own chosen president Mr.Farooq Leghari. I'm wondering what did she study in Oxford? It explains stupefying education system of the west.
The election legitimize an illegitimates thru NRO backed by US in order to make us accomplices to government who are deeply corrupt and immoral elite. It is far better to disassociate oneself from the sorry affair. Thats why I never ever cast my vote to any party many may find it unpatriotic act but I do what I feel right. I'm free-will-sir
I cannot participate in a system that slaughters its own citizens as a pretext for war on terror. Politicians.com are totalitarian-terrorists, impostors and as well as traitors.
Democracy is plutocrats-preferred method of deceiving and controlling the plebes/peoples. Do you remember 1971? who was behind that partitioned none but ZAB. Do you remember 1993-4 killings of Mohajirs?. Who did it none but BB. Democracy is an illusion which created to uphold our slavery from our very own hands.
The media creates the illusion that the candidates are our leaders. In fact, they are members of the elite who also own the media. We've been deceived by small criminal elite who want nothing but one world government and democracy is part of it. we should seek Theo-democracy rather than feudal-democracy or debauchery-democracy.
In conclusion, As i have said above that democracy is a name of fighting 1st in Election 2nd in Selection and 3rd in Perfection but democracy never reaches to Perfection rather reach to Perversion and make us too Perverse. Democracy is a rUSe. OR in other words democracy is Corporatocracy derive from Plutocracy.
U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower himself argued against the strengthening corporatocracy in the form of a military-industrial complex that sets national and international financial, economic, political and military policies due to a permanent war economy.
wow dude!!! WOW!!!!
ReplyDeleteAgreed.though what daily steps would you suggest to counter this immense negativity.These feudals have evidently sold out their land and people for generations - yet simple scum vote them in for 500 rupees.I would suggest a living faith in real Islam.one that says fear nothing but ALLAH. Start with wiping out these feudals.
ReplyDeleteWhat a interesting post on Democracy. Democracy is a name of fighting 1st in Election 2nd in Selection 3rd in Perfection.Democracy to which we think a solution of mankind is just a delusion. There can be no freedom or democracy where mass media and education are tightly controlled.Shangrila Murree
ReplyDeleteany system can be manipulated.same is true with democracy. the best thing about democracy that you can elect after 5 yrs and reject the previous leader...the fact is democracy has more check and balance than any other system.
ReplyDeleteproblem is not with democracy..problem is our rudemntary political intellect,ignorance and division after division of religious,linguistic and provincial categories.