Democracy is a name of fighting 1st in Election 2nd in Selection 3rd in Perfection.
Does politicians get time for public well-being after getting too busy in fighting in these 3 sectors.?
Democracy looks like a charade so I urge to all our pols that they should sell out their Benz and buy a 'charade' car. Haan you can't why not? acha then read below
This is not Democracy rather it is Plutocracy which handicapped Judiciary so they plutocrats may get a carte-blanche to do whatever they want to do under the guise of Democracy and Dictatorship.
How funny that feudal-fanatics yelled for Democracy in our country whose ruling class are bunch of feudals and they gotta chance like ZAB who yelled alot about Democracy but he himself was a feudal so he never came out from his feudal skin and we remain feudalistic country.
Benazir Bhutto, drumbeater of western-style secular democracy and why not, after all she took her education from Oxford and she was a daughter of feudal-democratic type father, finally got back Pakistan and what the heck she did.? She gone twice on corruption and extra judicial killings without completeting her tenure. No one kicked her out except her own chosen president Mr.Leghari. I'm wondering what did she study in Oxford? It explains stupefying education system of the west.
The election legitimize an illegitimates(NRO) and makes us accomplices to government who are thoroughly corrupt and immoral elite. It is far better to disassociate oneself from the sorry affair. Thats why I never ever cast my vote to any party many may find it unpatriotic act but I do what I feel right.I'm free will guY-sir
I cannot participate in a system that slaughters its own citizens as a pretext for war on terror. Politicians.com are totalitarian-terrorists and as well as traitors.
Democracy is the feudalistic elite's preferred method of deceiving and controlling the plebes/peoples. Do you remember 1971? who was behind that partitioned none but ZAB. Do you remember 1993-4 killings of Mohajirs.? Who did it none but BB. Democracy is an illusion which created to uphold our slavery from our very own hands.
The media creates the illusion that the candidates are our leaders. In fact, they are members of the elite who also own the media. We've been deceived by small criminal elite who want nothing but one world government and democracy is part of it. we should seek Theo-democracy rather than feudal-democracy or debauchery-democracy.
I need your astute comments on this topic. I feel lonely. C'mon and give your comments. I'm waiting.
ok so you plan on ruling pakistan. how do you intend to do that? if you conquer it, you will become the totalitarian you always make fun of in your comments on the net. if you don't, you will have to take the democratic path, which you just explained is bullshit. you're not in the army so you can't do a coup. what is the plan exactly?
ReplyDeleteTo kill all khatmals thats my plan # 1, Then I'll go for my plan # 2, can't disclose, its top secret, this is also fun dear, take it easy.
ReplyDeletejust dreaming to rule even though i don't wanna rule i really feel ruling is bullshit. Allah can rule only Man cannot except serve Him and thus serve His mankind.
But since my one bosom friend whose 2 yrs younger bro was goin to be an MPA on PPP ticket got died after coming from BB funeral, since then i decided to take revenge of his death from political parties. i don't know how.? i just fed-up with this politics I no longer a politician yet I visited Parliament House and Prime Minister House and even CMH(Military Hospital), I guess it is enough for me but honestly since I visited these core politic-mansions my heart wanna rule rather wana do something for my poor-peoples
well soon write on this topic getting late for my office, catch ye later, thanks for writing. keep visiting and writing
God Bless
Ya Ali Madad
ya ali madad!!!!
ReplyDeletehahahahahaha.trying to appease karachi khatmal?
dear yasir! according to my humble and scarce understanding,democracy is just a tool used by the masters of capitalist democracy to get some required results of economy,life style,psyche of the common man and to achieve specific kind of governance.
this tool can be manipulated by any one like our military dictators and politicians.
even islamists can also manipulate it like we see in iran.
my idea of democracy is to change this country into real islamic ideological state by giving
1) extra ordinary power to the institutional like "islami nazriyati council" to make sure no one could deviate the country from its islamin path.
2) president should be selected by this "islami nazriyati council" and he will be the constitutional representative of INC along with intact 17th amendment.
3) president should have the constitutional obligation to oppoint rasikh ul aqeeda muslims on the key posts of justices of high courts and supreme courts,army officers fom the brigadiers to the generals and the heads of fedral public service commissions.
4) stronger institutions and weak politicians.
5) no thrid term like USA.
6) every politician must pass through filteration process.every politican should go through municipality then provincial level and then national level.in this process will provide you enough time to decide which politician is suitable for the prime ministership.(education,patriotism, non prochialism and strong faith could be observe by this time)
there are so many things can be done.but niether could be done with out a revolution.a revolution which could cast away current corrupt,opportunist and semi colonial rulers and ruling elite.
ReplyDeleteIn my 1st line i tried to impugn kk, in my 2nd line i tried to keep him karachi kool
and in my last line i gave him his Ali not ours. well i guess He's as ours as yours.
anyway doc jk, you're right Revolution which i guess it on its way. 1913 year of a financial revo when FED was being created by Marranos.now 2012 is a predicted year of Civil-war haan almost 100 years and thats the period when any revo start taking breathe. read last 3 top revolutions excluding iran
i will write on it soon, keep writing eveyone
cum and share their reply
sorry for late reply becuz busy in office and writing new article. If u read my new Mammon article which i guess ye read b4 but yet again read it for fresh from teeth.:)
you can see or derive a revolution from mY Memmon article
Men Who Worship Mammon
talk to there, hamari bajjia tu naraz nahi ah rahe hain don't cum neither in my nor teeth . raja baja tu kuck naya b nahe la rahi hai above. Dr jk, Farrah wrote her last artile revo thru women i wrote revo thru men
F.K Raja don't worry cum and join our world wide revolutionary movement. we want impugn U.
dont forget djk that revo is always bloody and as even blind can see how bloody is it by smelling that extra blood on the dance floor.
ReplyDeleteyar dance floor se muje another j yaad agia yani MJ how did he get die? he was looking ok on his rehearsal and if he was sick enuff then y did he make a 50 concerts contract in world terrorist headquarter none but London. UK are childs of Rothschild. Read my new article
I wanted to write on JK but i stop becuz his death is mysterious so as my another friend name Ali whose death also mysterious i may write on MJ and i will write more and more and its all will be "freedom of speech"
correction in my last line we won't impugn U
Thats what i meant sorry for that goin 4 snores,
tired mind not workin cya