There are many hubbub voices which blemish the real fact about Enlightenment aka Enlightening Moderation. One wonder what the heck Enlightenment is all about? in urdu 'Roshan Khayali'
Former PM Shortcut Aziz was a drumbeater of Enlightenment. I too didn't know what's Enlightenment all about but when I dig deeper I got to know that Believe me or not Enlightenment is simply a worship of Satan.
Freemasonry is a religion that believes Lucifer is the "G-d of light and G-d of good" in which Divine-words turn bad and evil turn good in the guise of Enlightenment.
It preaches "tolerance" and the universality of all religions in order to negate them all...
The lesson of this story is that Allah is indispensable. He is Reality. We cannot deny Him without denying the principle of our own fulfillment. A secular new world order is prey to the devil. This is impasse we are in. We are ruled by a satanic cult known as Illuminati.
The human endeavor is a simple question of whom do we wish to bow, God or Lucifer? If we prostrate God the world would be heaven and our lives would be bliss. If we choose lucifer, you can imagine the rest as in current events. Read my sole vs. soul.
Some things we can do: 1) boycott the mass media esp TV; 2) "out" politicians, teachers and media/ngo figures who are pushing the freemason-satanic agenda; 3) refuse to hate other people or fight other countries; 4) celebrate the things the freemason-satan hate — nationhood (internationalism causes war) heterosexual identities, nuclear families and Islam. Peace be on those who follow the last guidance.
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