What da hell is goin on in our world. Why are we become an enemy of each others despite we all are sons of Adam. Who's subverting us. Who's waging wars on humanity? Who da hell is he that's what I'm pondering...
I'm a witness of internal discord even at my own home 1st with my dad 2nd with my brothers 3rd with my neighbors, 4th with my relatives and I hope this is the case with most of you haan isn't it? well in last i got external discord, 5th with the whole world rather with da whole system. This sounds must be insane...How to stay sane in dis insane world that's what I'm pondering.
We've a discord in between us.. We are into sordid-schism and being distantly divided, deceived and degraded to the grass root level. Everyone seems to be a Ruler or in other words everyone wants to be a God. Can man become a God? Does God is something which you can take His place?
What we have seen since last decade a cruel hoax playing by satanists against God and His mankind. These satanists have usurped the rule of God and redefining realities for their own perverse end.
What was done on Sept 11, 2001 which change the whole paradigm of the world which has been shifted towards endless war for an unknown outcome. Did we send in this world for wars, greed, genocides, or were sent to be patient, pious and polite this is what I'm pondering..
The 9/11 which undoubtedly was an inside job in order to fulfill end times prophecies which cannot be wrong and its getting true and clear day by day.
Jews, the 1st chosen people of the Yahweh become the favorite nation of Satan and they are those who killed their own Prophets like prophet Zechariah. He who was being killed by Israelites... Shame on you bastards. Killing God messengers means Killing whole of Mankind.
Ever since they are killing not only Prophets later they had killed Jesus whom they called Bastard and his mother a Harlot mentioned in Talmud which took place of Torah.
Since Israelites have been killing Mankind to sacrifice to their lord none but Lucifer. The one Light Bearer whose light defuse all God's light and give us Enlightenment.
9/11 was a part of ritual human sacrifice to Israelites demented dreams of world domination through wars, greed, genocides as they were/are doing for over a centuries. Will they care for Mohammed/Muslims who didn't care their own Prophets whom they killed and crucified.
Muslims are last chosen folks on the earth. Islam is last religion on the face of the earth. Islam is only last and final religion on this earth which is acceptable in Allah eyes... There's no Yahweh no God but Allah who will accept only those deeds who follow the last Guidance.
Allah give authority to Muslims. Allah gives permission to Muslims to kill infidels, to kill those who killed His messengers whom I mentioned above. Allah gives permission to Muslims to fight in the name of Allah and disdain and dispatched all those who don't obey Allah commands.
We are chosen folks, even though Muslims in large numbers esp Muslim Rulers turned apostates in order to gain material wealth and defying and denying Allah rules for so long and preaching tolerance. Did Jews tolerate Elijah, Amos, Zechariah, Jeremiah, Jesus? Who were sent towards their own goods but they deliberately killed few and defy and deny most of them. so why should we tolerate Jews?

The Britishers invest heavily on power-politics because they have an agenda that cannot be supported by their military rather they used US military to achieve their goals.
The truth is that which might horrified many Americans that US military does serve the interest of the British-Israel clique 1st and American interest at last.
Democracy is a ruse and all PM and President of US/EUK are rubber-stamped of City of London (Known as Crown) which is the center of the Anglo-Saxon financial and political empire which demented-dreams of World Domination known as New World Secular&Materialistic Order can be read in Protocols of Zion and Islam is the last bastion in front of them.
They are fighting with Islam itself instead of so-called terrorists. Westerners are leaderless, blinkered and feckless and their leaders amoral whores, a liars but lie has no legs it means they all are Quadriplegic-gentlemen while we Muslims are Quranic-gentlemen who don't scare these bastards who defy, deny and killed 1st Prophets 2nd Yahweh/God Rules.
Dick Cheney Secrets on 9/11
How 9/11 was done
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