They (the Jews) work more effectively against us than the enemy's armies. They are a hundred times more dangerous to our liberties and the great cause we are engaged in.....and the greatest enemies we have to the happiness of America."
George Washington 1st US President 1732-1799
If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, (i.e., the "business cycle") the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.
Thomas Jefferson, 3rd US President 1743-1826
George Washington 1st US President 1732-1799
If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, (i.e., the "business cycle") the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.
Thomas Jefferson, 3rd US President 1743-1826
I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.
Thomas Jefferson, 1816
A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is privately concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men...We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated, governments in the civilized world - no longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and the duress of small groups of dominant men.
Woodrow Wilson, 28th US President 1856-1924
What is system of credit. Do you ever ponder?. As far as I understand the system of credit means our Taxes which goes into Banks and later goes into our government hands and Bankers charge interest from them for example our Pee Pee Pee (PPP) govt take loans from State Bank and other private banks in Billions and pay them interests in return and the same is true to all private firms and normal public who take loans from banks and pay interest.
The current credit crunch can be seen in this scenario where all the governments and multi-national firms are indebted to the large bankers and bankers called all their loans which they issued to them which is touching the sum of amount which was lending now they are unable to pay and ultimately recession and cut-jobs disaster which engulf us all.
The whole banking aka money aka paper currency system is based on USury none but sordid-sin an alien sin which is largest sin in any religion esp if you talk about last and final guidance Koran which clearly says about those who won't stop eating usury then there's an open war against them by Allah and His messenger and later by His followers i.e. Al-Qaeda.
Al-Qaeda Jihad against infidels can be seen in the above verse of Koran and Al-Qaeda ain't a terrorist organization rather it is he who is a terrorists who defy and deny Yahweh/God rules and uplifting Lucifer rules i.e. eating usury and giving da same shit to Muslims.
Banking is a sordid-sin
Face the realities. Jewish bankers have created all the wars in history WW1-2 and current Iraq and Afpk wars has no exception. All the big wars of the last two centuries. All the bush-fires happening now. Perhaps you have lost someone in one of these wars.
Perhaps not. Either way, you should know why they happen, because it is your ignorant support that allows them to needlessly kill millions of innocent people.
You have been deceived as to the reasons for these wars, your opinion shaped by the limiting and slanting of all the information you have received throughout your life, but most especially from the varied categories of popular media (principally TV). It turns out that every single one of these categories is controlled by Jews, from your first-grade schoolbook to your post-graduate dissertation. And above all, don’t forget Hollywood, which has shaped the world mind in a sordidly Jewish (esp Pharisees) way.
The world is beginning to finally realize that anti-Semitism is generated by the Jews themselves as a way to conceal their widespread social crimes.
The goal of all Bail-outs, Buy-outs and Bribe-outs package plan must be to further consolidates USury. Half the profit of all humanity labor is sucked out of the real people's economy by psychic vampires aka USurious suckers. Who convince us that to kill is to love, and to love is to kill or in other words good is evil and evil is good.
If you have the intellectual and moral courage to have read this far, then you finally know what we’re up against: the programming of an evil-coterie that has captured our collective mind. This undetected method of control guarantees that not only will you never achieve your dreams, but that you will lose your life for geopolitical and strategical reasons [esp Pakistanis] that you will never completely comprehend.
The ONLY chance to avoid this evil-fate is to understand the Jewish Bank$ters aka Gang$ters plan for the enslavement of the world and eradication of the unwanted population esp those who do not accomplices to their system neither acknowledge their God none but Lucifer.War on Terror can be seen in this perspective. Throw their kool aids to their faces and say Allah is sufficient for us. Happy Fasting and Farting
Woodrow Wilson, 28th US President 1856-1924
System of Credit

The current credit crunch can be seen in this scenario where all the governments and multi-national firms are indebted to the large bankers and bankers called all their loans which they issued to them which is touching the sum of amount which was lending now they are unable to pay and ultimately recession and cut-jobs disaster which engulf us all.
The whole banking aka money aka paper currency system is based on USury none but sordid-sin an alien sin which is largest sin in any religion esp if you talk about last and final guidance Koran which clearly says about those who won't stop eating usury then there's an open war against them by Allah and His messenger and later by His followers i.e. Al-Qaeda.
Al-Qaeda Jihad against infidels can be seen in the above verse of Koran and Al-Qaeda ain't a terrorist organization rather it is he who is a terrorists who defy and deny Yahweh/God rules and uplifting Lucifer rules i.e. eating usury and giving da same shit to Muslims.
Banking is a sordid-sin

Perhaps not. Either way, you should know why they happen, because it is your ignorant support that allows them to needlessly kill millions of innocent people.
You have been deceived as to the reasons for these wars, your opinion shaped by the limiting and slanting of all the information you have received throughout your life, but most especially from the varied categories of popular media (principally TV). It turns out that every single one of these categories is controlled by Jews, from your first-grade schoolbook to your post-graduate dissertation. And above all, don’t forget Hollywood, which has shaped the world mind in a sordidly Jewish (esp Pharisees) way.
The world is beginning to finally realize that anti-Semitism is generated by the Jews themselves as a way to conceal their widespread social crimes.
The goal of all Bail-outs, Buy-outs and Bribe-outs package plan must be to further consolidates USury. Half the profit of all humanity labor is sucked out of the real people's economy by psychic vampires aka USurious suckers. Who convince us that to kill is to love, and to love is to kill or in other words good is evil and evil is good.
If you have the intellectual and moral courage to have read this far, then you finally know what we’re up against: the programming of an evil-coterie that has captured our collective mind. This undetected method of control guarantees that not only will you never achieve your dreams, but that you will lose your life for geopolitical and strategical reasons [esp Pakistanis] that you will never completely comprehend.
The ONLY chance to avoid this evil-fate is to understand the Jewish Bank$ters aka Gang$ters plan for the enslavement of the world and eradication of the unwanted population esp those who do not accomplices to their system neither acknowledge their God none but Lucifer.War on Terror can be seen in this perspective. Throw their kool aids to their faces and say Allah is sufficient for us. Happy Fasting and Farting
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