This is a slightly revised version which actually published on 23rd of July. I wanna start Sept from this article
We know about Osama bin laden who is world most sought-after person but despite the ultra-advance technology of Obama administration they never able to catch him alive or death.
They have created Bogeyman for their war-on-terror since Soviet collapsed. They tried a lot to put pressure on Osama to come back to his homeland and give up fighting but He didn't because he's holyman billionaire. He who wants to see Allah-words UPPERMOST and Lucifer-words lowermost.
The conflict is to redefine the reality in Allah-words as Gerald Celente wonderfully said in his video that Obama admin is not dealing and selling reality.
If wishing to see God/Allah words Uppermost are quite objectionable then let history be the witness that Goys and KiKes are biggest terrorists in Yahweh/God/Allah eyes.
It is he who is a terrorists who defy and deny God rules and uplifting Lucifer rules. It is he who is a terrorists who who threw Atom Bomb on innocent peoples of Japan. It is he who is a terrorists who's throwing cluster bombs on innocent peoples of Iraqis and Afpk. U'S are da real terrorists making us halluci-Nations.
Means battle ground's are ready for Obamageddon vs. Osamageddon. I like Gerald Celente and his trends institute and his forecasts which often comes true.
The term Obamageddon is used by Gerald himself. I didn't chose this term but this term gimme an idea of Obama -geddon vs. Osama -geddon aka Armageddon. The Book of Revelation tells the story of Apocalyptic Armageddon.
Osama bin laden. The one he who went to Saudia in 1991 and said to King that you should eliminate US forces from Saudi-borders. We can surely protect our borders as we did against Soviets. But the King didn't hear anything rather impugn him.
I guess Kings of Saudia are so dependable on US "nodding donkeys" which make them too donkeys. Oil drilling on US Terms and Conditions which ensnared Saudi ruling class and thats what spawned al-Qaeda led by OBL aka UBL.
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