Bush is true and actual evil-doers along with Dick Cheney and Ahmed Chalabi who orchestrated 9/11 in order to create reasons and raised public opinions 2 go for wars.
George W. Bush has used the word "Crusade" to describe his war against the people he calls "evildoers." Bush clearly believes that the United States of America is a Christian nation, and that the government should be used to promote Christian religious projects.
Bush says that he's fighting against terrorism everywhere, yet refuses to touch Christian terrorist groups, even those that are organizing within the United States. Bush seems only interested in fighting Muslim terrorists.This epithet gives blatant provocation of millions of Muslims around the globe to defend their religion. Islam.
Now, it has been discovered that one of Bush's top generals in his wars against evildoers, General William G. Boykin(retired) believes that these wars are being fought against Satan himself. In public, this military officer and aide to Bush insists that the mission of the American military is to defeat Islam in the name of Christianity. So far, the White House has refused to distance itself from Boykin's claim, and defends Boykin's appropriation of the American military for religious purposes as "free speech".
US leaders can be religious in their private lives and secular in their public offices who pay paper service to Yahweh/God and serve Satanic-Bible. Bush, Kerry, Obama Joe Biden and our Hellbrooke are all members of satanic secret society known as "skull and bones" dedicated to worship to Satan.
The emotional relationship of Bush's wars to evangelical End Times prophecies is devastating precisely because it is so stupid. An example of this stupidity aka cupidity comes from General Boykin, who continues one of his sermons with the following thoughts:
"...our roots are Judeo-Christian. Did I say Judeo-Christian? Yes. Judeo-Christian. That means we've got a commitment to Israel. That means it's a commitment we're never going to abandon.It shows that how deeply Judea-Masonic controlled the Amerikan economy since 1913 when they created Fed. The United States was created to advance the New World Order based on Rothschild control of credit thru Fed which is a sponsor behind [kikes-goyim] cohesion. American Pols were designed by them to dupe the masses, not to be realized.
The United States of America is at a crucial point in its history, on the verge of being pulled into a prolonged war fought not in the national interest, but in the interest of particular religious groups{Evangelist} and Protestants} within the US/UK both are secular religion groups and making us halluci-Nations.
This war is not representative of American religion in general, or even American Christianity in general, as many American Christian groups are strongly opposed to Bush's war in the Middle East. Which consequences are coming as Globalization/Globally in shape of recession+depression = despotism aka Tyranny of USury mentioned in Satanic Bible known as Protocols of Zion..
War is no time for a government that is led by centuries-old prophecies. It is time for the American government to return to a religious policy built upon Jesus vision instead of Judas and calm consideration leaving blind faith and hopes for holy war behind. ACCEPT AND COME UNDER THE FINAL SALVATION ELSE DOOM.
The past has shown us that holy wars destroy civilizations. Through the wise/vice leadership of the 1990s, America has become the most powerful nation on Earth. We must not allow Dubya and now Obama to destroy our peace and prosperity, leading America back into the Sole Ages. read my soul to sole
- Crime, torture, murder and depravity is the WDC soft underbelly. Let's support these courageous shows and spread the word.
- The elite depends on our credulity and docility. If we can expose them, they cannot govern. If we insist on the law either Bible or Torah or Koran, we can put them in Hell where they all belong.
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