Today is Indian Freedom day so I wanna tribute them in my Freedom of Speech. This freedom of speech of Mine is for All Indians aka Hindus Local and Abroad.
I Know V for Vendetta nowadays and you are the culprits of the earth since you created East India Company in corporation with your chum UK.
You’ve done good planning with your buddy an identical Israel. Is-real? nah but Orchestrated by U/UK. You’re the inventor of chess game and world is like a [chess game] aka “game theory” and you do play good chess better than us while we play [chest game]
You led our youth as-tray thru your ash-tray means media notoriously Bollywood aka Hollywood and *womanize*+ aka feminism which is a gift of gulag for any woman.
You have also close financial doors through your chess boards or in other words you put us on IMF begging
IMF=International Mother Fuckers
But we don't need money dis is our [lucifer-lover-leaders] who need Money and Honey we can defend our country by giving blood at our soil…
We ain't among those who gone abroad and seeking cupidity rather I'd say that they are seeking stupidity there.
Public success is determined by acquiescence - witting or unwitting - in this diabolical conspiracy. The people of the West are blinkered, leaderless and feckless. Our material and technological achievement is great, but culturally and spiritually we are impoverished and enchained.
We aren’t your friends Punjabies/Bhutto can be your friends whom I call KaKa and you Indians and our Bhutto are products of UK= U-KaKa. I ain’t, gotcha? You a$$wholes flushed down our holy book Koran into toilet. so I couldn't find any better word for all U except U-KaKa
I passed my comment at rediff few months back where I wrote that. Democracy is a “ruse” for all of those who are “rubes” and India gotcha largest democracy in the world means largest Rubes……………………………I'm cute instead of rube.
And they blocked my comments means invisible. Is dis largest democracy? nah but dis is your [illusory-illuminism] which is leading you toward Abyss.
Don’t feel oppressed by the world. It hasn’t changed just because we are now aware of its true nature. Devote each new day to fulfilling Allah purpose for you.
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