Friday, October 3, 2014


What is this damn debauchery also known as democracy which is a good method to control the plebes/public. What this debauchery is all about? Nothing but changes feces like faces every after 4/5 years. Media is to promote their feces like faces all the time and they are doing ballyhoo of them day and night and promoting criminals as our leaders. Remember we are leaderless.

Democracy has produced debauchers in fact $debaucher$. They have a mask and mark, mark of beast on their forehead which you can't see because they do makeup b4 going on-air. They are product of sordid-schism in one;s country in terms of race,cast,language as you know there are plenty of languages in our sub-continent. It is solely based on corruption that's why all countries esp India is looking forward to eradicate corruption as they often shows in their movies one corrupt politician and his corrupt rackets. But I wonder how can one get rid of corruption by promoting corruption. I mean elections.

We also have a same problem and its not our issue rather world-issue and UNato who are beneficial of those corruptions on global scale do nothing but show-off, big-meetings,get-together and backing Illegal state of Israel.

They say two states side by side, Do you wanna worship satan and God together? Can you do it? Can you serve God and Mammon together? Didn't your bible says you cannot serve God and Mammon. It means two states formula of yours is malevolent as similar as two party democracy.

All in all you have a plan to conquer the world but you will soon loose the planet as you are going Mars and in other spaces, got satellite network in space, and as you know your big-BOC and DuPont are behind climate change and your bloodshed in entire world is bloody destructive in nature and enough to destroy the beautiful planet.

This is your ambitions to destroy through democracy to any nation, control their public, their resources, their minds and souls. Give them pervasive pills of drugs,porn,sex,toys,gadgets,sports,music and issues upon issues to confuse them to confiscate them in a web of debt financially and morally.

This is a fact may now have been cleared that now democracy is a debauchery and they pols all are morally corrupt, financially bankrupt not they but their countries. How can they bankrupt as they are true and only beneficial of this corruption I mean DD= Debauchery-Democracy. (Bunga-Bunga)

a sword of Damocles hangs over their heads

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