Monday, July 27, 2009

2daY is mah B'day ©

Today is my B-day. I was thinking what to share with you on this 30th B-day of mine. At last I decided to share most favorite poem of mine.

Even though I don't celebrate B-day as much in a show-off way rather I feel sorrow to celebrate because one year being removed from my life and I'm going faster toward my grave without preparation.

I just wanna share one of my life most favorite poem which remain in world's Top-100 poems and I did dedicate to my wife when I proposed her in front of her mom when I was 23 now I'm 30.

The hardest thing in sub-continent is to get marry to any Punjabi-girl because they have gotta Baradari means Punjabi-community and they don't give their chicks into non-community no matter their girls fall in love with any non-community guy. SRK of Bollywood is an example. I and SRK are almost identical in their real love story struggled.

Punjabi always prefer to give their chicks in the hands of their kaka. Punjabi call their cute guys/goys as a kaka(parrot) and you know, I ain't a Punjabi rather I feel Punjabis&Bhutto are product of UK so I call 'em all UK = U-KaKa

I believe Love does occur itself which is a part of our teenage lives and it has no boundaries. You cannot restrict your daughters or sisters to not marry from outside of your community esp when she herself wanna marry with outside of her community guY. If you'd restrict them then society will be decadent as 2day our society becomes esp in rural Punjab and Sindh.

I also believe that everything is fair in war (even kamikaze) and in Love (even marriages regardless race) but should be among believing-woman not wicca-women.

I didn't mean to attack on Punjabis. I like and do listen bhangra-punjabi music and have got many Punjabi friends. Zulfiqar Ahmed Ghummen is an example who lives nearby my house now he's holding Aussie-passport and I also had few Punjabi-friends of my university when I was doing an MBA. My problem you might get from above. That's it.

Anyways, here we go, my idea is to share with you my favorite poem which I think you might and might not hear or read so its Just for You esp for Lovers like me. I hope you'll like it as much as I did. I'm still lovin' it despite a decade b4 i read it.

Words Are Not Enough

The words "I miss you" can not display
The depths of how I care.

The words "I want you" do not betray
The extent of what I dare.

The words "I need you" can not convey
The extent of my prayer.

The words "I love you" do not portray
The heights of my err.


As I've got no gift on my 30th B-day. My Mom in 06 and Dad in 04 died who often gave me gift mostly money on my B-day and I went to celebrate it with my friends in past. Now no parents and no bosom friend all being died unfortunately :(
I do miss them all, all the times and no one can fill their spaces. Allah may mercy on them and give them some space in Heaven (Ameen)

I wanted to say that I've got no gift yet I have got biggest surprise gift ever. You must be wondering what is it? haan ok lemme tell ya straightforward that Sir Dr Henry Makow has put my blog link via my comment posted under SK nick in his current article and after that I got hits on my blog. He's the real SIR and I just only guY-sir.

I wanna say especially to Dr Makow that the Gift (which is intangible) is far better and far greater than any tangible gift I've ever got. You are in my prayers. Hope I too in yours. Our aim is same and we are on same ark. Our mission is same to expose and expose and more expose (like chicks do for dicks) to Illuminati and their Malevolent agenda and as conditions deteriorate, people will flock to our banner..(Insallah)

Yahweh Bless You In Hereafter Life. All Beauty and Praises due to Allah.
God/Good Bye

Friday, July 24, 2009

Financial system is a farce

The contemporary world is a name of Money and Honey. If you have money then you can have honey.

The material world is actually devised to banish Yahweh/God/Allah from all social, political and financial matters. The central bankers who serve Lucifer spin this [forbidden] money out of nothing in order to ensnare us in a web of debt and ultimate plan is to be to devour us: body and soul.

Financial system is a farce/fart which smells so badly that you can even die after knowing and smelling financial-fart/farce.

My topic is to highlight the current financial system and its malignant consequences which we are facing. If we use Gerald Celente words "The Greatest Depression."

The banking system which was being created since 1694 when 1st Bank of England came into being but few US president had warned Americans against banking institutions side-effects in these words.

If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, (i.e., the "business cycle") the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.

Thomas Jefferson, President of the United States 1801-1809

America threw off the yoke of British dominion in 1776 only to institute the very form of that dominion in 1913 when US banking and corporate interests - the same forces Jefferson warned about - recreated the British credit-based banking system in the US in the form of the Federal Reserve Bank - a system whereby private bankers control the issuance of the public currency; and, just as Jefferson had warned, America's freedoms are now at risk.

I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.

Thomas Jefferson, 1816

Tyranny of USury.

In 1913, Woodrow Wilson was President of the US when the Federal Reserve Act was signed into law. Too late, Wilson recognized the damage he had done; and his own words haunt us today as it is now clear what his approval of the Federal Reserve Act set in motion:

A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is privately concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men...We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated, governments in the civilized world - no longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and the duress of small groups of dominant men.

Woodrow Wilson, President of the United States 1913-1921

Capitalism based on Credit.

In capital credit-based systems, credit is fed into the economy in a process whereby producers and consumers are indebted and bankers are enriched. Because credit is an integral part of capital systems, as the economy expands the debt and the interest it produces benefits bankers. The debt and the compounding interest on that debt in turn enslaves producers and consumers.

Like parasites, bankers cannot exist without producers and savers/consumers. In capital credit-based systems, producers and consumers cannot exist without bankers. In savings-based systems where gold and silver are money as was the US prior to 1913, producers and savers can and do prosper without central bank credit and debt.

Over time, in capital credit-based systems, producers and consumers become so indebted that the economy is no longer able to serve and retire previously created debt. This is where the US rather world economies are today. Homeowners cannot pay their mortgages, consumers cannot pay their credit cards, and governments cannot pay their obligations without issuing even more obligations.

US Govt is indebted of $10 trillion while US public owe $14 trillion. Gargantuan $24 trillions total debt 2day Americans impasse in. Welcome to Obamageddon

The banker's credit money system is now everywhere as are their resultant unsustainable debts; and those who profit by that system, the bankers (and the corporations that grew up around them) now control the media, the political process, and the agencies charged with overseeing and regulating the economy - the US Federal Reserve Bank, the SEC, the US Treasury, and indeed the US government itself: the Presidency, the Congress, and the Supreme Court and CFR.

The financial crisis I knew in August 2006 that will occur and is now gaining momentum. Central bankers in Europe, Asia, and America have made available billions of dollars in credit in a failed attempt to restart a stalled and faltering global economy. The central bankers have only succeeding it delaying the coming day of reckoning they themselves set in motion.

Credit leads to debt as well as to expansion and today the expansion has slowed but the debts have compounded. Central banks are the very institution that Thomas Jefferson warned about. Their role in today's problems is misunderstood, an error as fatal as in misdiagnosing a growing cancer.

The whole world is looking to central banks to stabilize world markets. But central banks won't and can't because central banks are themselves the destabilizing force that first issued the credit that has now becoming the defaulting debt that can't be traded.

Central banks are the mechanism by which private bankers create the credit[our taxes] that turns into debt, debt that US homeowners, US consumers, and the US government can't afford to repay;[24 trillions] and the global banks, pension funds, and insurance companies that bought those debts for their expected income streams are now becoming stuck with IOUs/sic investments as worthless as today's subprime CDOs.

Today, Americans are looking to the Fed to protect them against the financial chaos threatening our economy. This is tantamount to the Jews in 1930s Germany looking to the Nazis to stave off a possible holocaust. The Fed cannot help America with its economic problems because the Fed is itself the cause of those problems.

The End of Capitalism

We are at the end of an extraordinary epoch, the end of the age of credit/capitalism. Many pundits predicted the collapse of the present power structures in tandem with an unprecedented crisis that would transform humanity.

That time, the collapse of the world power structures, has now arrived. Transformation comes next; and when the crisis finally passes—and it will—tomorrow will be a far better day. Awareness, community, faith and a bit of gold and silver will be invaluable in the days to come.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Obamageddon VS Osamageddon ©

We know about Osama bin laden who is world most sought-after person but despite the ultra-advance technology of Obama administration they never able to catch him alive or death.

They have created Bogeyman for their war-on-terror since Soviet collapsed. They tried a lot to put pressure on Osama to come back to his homeland and give up fighting but He didn't because he's holyman billionaire. He who wants to see Allah-words UPPERMOST and Lucifer-words lowermost.

The conflict is to redefine the reality in Allah-words as Gerald Celente wonderfully said in his video that Obama admin is not dealing and selling reality.

Means battle ground's are ready for Obamageddon vs. Osamageddon. I like Gerald Celente and his trends institute and his forecasts which often comes true.

The term Obamageddon is used by Gerald himself. I didn't chose this term but this term gimme an idea of Obama -geddon vs. Osama -geddon aka Armageddon. The Book of Revelation tells the story of Apocalyptic Armageddon.

Osama bin laden. The one he who went to Saudia in 1991 and said to King that you should eliminate US forces from Saudi-borders. We can surely protect our borders as we did against Soviets. But the King didn't hear anything rather impugn him.

I guess Kings of Saudia are so dependable on US "nodding donkeys" which make them too donkeys. Oil drilling on US Terms and Conditions which ensnared Saudi ruling class and thats what spawned al-Qaeda led by OBL aka UBL.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Obamageddon - 2012 (Part-2)

US was/is/will remain an economic and financial colony of the UK since EUK Bankers led by Rothschild created the FED.

Even though the third US President Thomas Jefferson warned Americans against the banking system in these words.

I believe the banking system is more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.

Empire America is on the verge of collapse. Its social, economic and political systems are failed and failing, observes Trends Research Institute Director, Gerald Celente, in the Summer Trends Journal®.

“The measures taken by successive governments to save the politically corrupt, morally bankrupt, physically decrepit giant from collapse have served to only hasten its demise. While the decline has been decades in the making, the acceleration of ruinous policies under the current Administration is leading the United States — and much of the world — to the point of no return,” says Celente.

The “green shoots” sighted by Field Marshall Bernanke this past Spring were a mirage. The 2010 economic “recovery” predicted by the same experts, authorities and financial boy scouts and cheerleaders who didn’t see the economic crisis coming is pure delusion.

By 2012, even those in denial and still clinging to hope will be forced to face the truth. It will be called “Obamageddon” in America. The rest of the world will call it “The Greatest Depression.”

We provide the hard data and indisputable facts that support our forecast for an unsettling future. There will be opportunities to seize and measures to take to withstand, and even profit in the increasingly turbulent times.

Visit Gerald Celente website where you will see more detail and his videos and further forecast and trends.

In mY words. The rehearsal of Armageddon now come as Obamageddon VS Osamageddon

The Essential Henry Makow Ph.D™


Actually, there are MANY Jews who are quite intelligent and brilliant in their writing like Eric Margolis, John Kaminski, Michael Hoffman II, David Livingstone

Many in the Jewish community throughout the world and history have made wonderful contribution to the realms of science, technology, and many other fields. But Muslims perspectives who consider mostly Jews are evil-genius.

Dr. Henry Makow remains unique, however. As a Jew, he dares to cross the line and to expose fellow Jews in the field of the NEW WORLD ORDER and the ILLUMINATI (Rothschilds especially.) This takes MUCH courage. Such Jews like Dr. Makow risk great attack, including accusations of "MESHUMED" or "MARRANO" or TRAITOR from the Jewish community. He risks ostracizing from the Jewish community as well.

I encourage all my readers to go to his site and READ! His articles are painstakingly wonderful, well researched, historical in background and documented, and very enlightening regarding the PEOPLE BEHIND THE NEW WORLD ORDER.

His reports include:

-the Illuminati Jews behind the all4 major revolutions including, British, French, Bolshevik and Industrial. Illuminati is an echelon of Freemasonry. They murdered of tens of MILLIONS of Christians and Muslims by their COMMUNISM, SOCIALISM and ILLUMINISM. aka ISMS

-Banksters aka Gangsters whom he believes are behind all major revolutions and wars. Led by the Rothschilds and they ruled the world. (As my title pic demonstrating)

-Feminism and how it is used by the NWO to destroy families, marriages, men and masculinity, and more. In my words Feminism is a [gift of gulag] for any woman.

-Human/Hate Rights and the people behind it and the NWO agenda.

-Protocols of Zion which he believes the tyranny of bankers written by kikes-king. It is the blueprint of the NWO and magnificently Male-volent

And much MORE.

And for my beloved Muslims/Christians readers, PLEASE put Dr. Henry Makow and family on your prayer list for safety! He has put his life and family included at risk, in fact, to publicly expose the NWO and the ILLUMINATI. And often Illuminati revenge, when they decide IT IS TIME, can be quite terrible. However, no one who lives in fear of people can ever get anything accomplished. There is no recorded battle in history that was ever won by COWARDS!

And so writers like Dr. Makow continue courageously on to EXPOSE THE NWO DARKNESS THREATENING US ALL.

Thankyou, Dr. Henry, for performing a wonderful service to exposing American-Raj and THOSE WHO WANT TO KNOW THE TRUTH in this critical hour of WORLD'S DESTINY. We appreciate your labors and sacrifice deeply. You are an inspiration to us all. I myself an ardent fan of your exposing like chicks do for dicks.......... God Bless

This Tribute to Mr.Makow is brought to you by both Pamela Schuffert and guY-sir.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Video: Obamageddon is Coming! (Part-1)

Part of Project 2012 in which social unrest on record high worldwide, will be shortage of water+energy and climate change will curse rain which we are facing this rain break 32 years old record of rain in Karachi more coming soon.

Food riots, tax protests, strikes and high unemployment all will characterize our economic future according to Gerald Celente. It is a very good video as he's describing current credit crunch and predicting Project 2012. In which humans will be cull and Universal War known as Armageddon aka Obamageddon

Monday, July 20, 2009

Grameen Shakti Solar Power Green Energy

As we all are tormented by Load-shedding curse. Which has made us insane rather than sane. How to stay sane in this insane world thats what I'm pondering.

We've seen riots and protest against load-shedding. Our democratic govts which came in 1988 till 1999. In these 11 years our demo govts were busy in internal/external-feuds, in corruption, in extra-judicial killings and misuse of authority rather than curbing the public issues on top was electricity and clean water. Ultimately they've gone without completing their tenures and paved the way for Military Dictatorship.

We Pakis are being fooled by our feudalistic elite 1st then by our Military Dictators. Who ruled more than 30 years in 62 years of Pakistan history. They also didn't do anything to give basic relieve to normal public rather Ayub era was full of wars and partitioned 2nd Zia era was full of Jihad against Soviets and Mush era was filled to fight against Islamic Terrorism.

Well today my topic is How to overcome the load shedding curse which is clearly leading to all of us towards Hell.? We are yelling and dying for relief but never come on consensus to build Kala Bagh Dam and other dams, in consequences we are facing blackouts.

Extended electricity load shedding in Karachi's five major industrial estates is causing losses in billions of rupees as the production activity has fallen by about 50 per cent. KESC, Karachi's power supply, is dealing with with a shortfall of around 700MW against a total demand of 2200MW. Almost all forms of power generation from fossil fuel-fired thermal to hydroelectric to nuclear are down from a year ago.

As a result of the daily rolling blackouts, the economy, major exports and overall employment are also down and the daily wage earners are suffering. Government offices owe KESC millions of rupees in electricity bills. KESC owes its supplier PEPCO in billions. The KESC and PEPCO both owe more than Rs.100billion to the independent power producers. By fixing all these debt to one another can help bring them into full operation and ease the crisis at least partially.

To empower people and communities in some of the developing nations, social entrepreneurs are stepping in to fill the large gap between supply and demand for electricity. In Bangladesh, for example, Grameen Shakti is a social enterprise selling home solar electricity systems to families that do not have access to electricity otherwise. It is an enterprise that demonstrates the success of a densely networked approach involving mutually reinforcing investments in human, social, ecological and financial capital by a number of organizations.

Solar energy makes much sense for Pakistan for several reasons: firstly, majority of the population lives in 50,000 villages that are far away from the creaking old national grid, according to a report by the Solar Energy Research Center (SERC). Connecting these villages to the national grid would be very costly, thus giving each house a solar panel would be cost efficient and would empower people both economically and socially.

To draw inspiration for empowering Pakistani villagers with solar energy, Pakistanis don't have to look far. In Bangladesh, Grameen Shakti (GS) is demonstrating that it can be done. GS was founded by Bangladeshi Nobel Laureate Mohammad Yunus in 1996 as part of the Grameen Bank’s family of enterprises. Shakti is attempting to rescue the rural people from energy poverty which hampers their social and economic development. Shakti's unique program has taken the first step to break the social and economical divide between those who have energy and those who do not.

GS’s solar program mainly targets those areas, which have no access to conventional electricity and little chance of getting connected to the grid within 5 to 10 years. It is one of its most successful programs. Currently, GS is one of the largest and fastest growing rural based renewable energy companies in the world. GS is also promoting Small Solar Home System to reach low income rural households.

Solar Home Systems(SHSs) can be used to light up homes, shops, fishing boats etc. It can also be used to charge cellular phones, run televisions, radios and cassette players. SHSs have become increasingly popular among users because they present an attractive alternative to conventional electricity such as no monthly bills, no fuel cost, very little repair, maintenance costs, easy to install any where.

Bengalis have done well unlike our govt and our banks who are none but hand puppets of the west. Shaukat Aziz and now Shaukat Tareen an examples in finance and Mush now Zardari is an example in Politics. They were/are doing nothing except bringing misery on their own people. Ostensibly, our govt running on IMF aids another Shortcut Tareen(b4 Aziz) who's an open agent of west bankers and he's dealing and begging IMF.

On behalf of IMF they have removed subsidy on Electricity further they have increased Electricity bills around 30%. Will it help to curb the load-shedding crisis? I don't think so rather it will escalate more social unrest and public will go for more Kunday than ever before.

Our leaders are nothing but yes-men and they are doing nothing except bringing misery on their own public rather than combating their basic necessities like electricity and water. They are just bringing misery in terms of cutting subsidies and waging gratuitous-war towards their own public which is creating real horror and our leaders have lost in this war and will lost everything and they are really going to hell for sure if they continue their same policy.

Shame on our Governments since Ayub to Zardari.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Democracy is a rUSe [Encore]

Updated with some major updates

Democracy which means "rule by the people" or "voted by the majority" is a ruse for all of those who are rubes.

Democracy is a name of fighting 1st in Election 2nd in Selection 3rd in Perfection.

Does politicians get time for public well-being after getting too busy in fighting in these 3 sectors.?

Democracy looks like a charade so I urge to all our pols that they should sell out their Benz and buy a 'charade' car. Haan you can't why not? acha then read below

Democracy to which we think a solution of mankind is just a delusion. There can be no freedom or democracy where mass media and education are tightly controlled.

This is not Democracy rather it is Plutocracy which bribed Judiciary so they plutocrats may get a carte-blanche to do whatever they want to do under the guise of Democracy and Dictatorship. Both D's stand for Despotism run by Bureaucracy which makes rules for rubes.

How ludicrous that feudal-fanatics yelled for Democracy in our country whose ruling class are bunch of feudal and they gotta chance like Z.A.Bhutto who yelled a lot about Democracy but he himself was a feudal so he never came out from his feudal skin and we remain feudalistic country.

Benazir Bhutto, drum-beater of western-style secular democracy and why not, after all she took her education from Oxford and she was a daughter of feudal-democratic type father, finally got back Pakistan and what did she do.? She gone twice on corruption and extra judicial killings without completing her tenure. No one kicked her out except her own chosen president Mr.Farooq Leghari. I'm wondering what did she study in Oxford? It explains stupefying education system of the west.

The election legitimize an illegitimates thru NRO backed by US in order to make us accomplices to government who are deeply corrupt and immoral elite. It is far better to disassociate oneself from the sorry affair. Thats why I never ever cast my vote to any party many may find it unpatriotic act but I do what I feel right. I'm free-will-sir

I cannot participate in a system that slaughters its own citizens as a pretext for war on terror. are totalitarian-terrorists, impostors and as well as traitors.

Democracy is plutocrats-preferred method of deceiving and controlling the plebes/peoples. Do you remember 1971? who was behind that partitioned none but ZAB. Do you remember 1993-4 killings of Mohajirs?. Who did it none but BB. Democracy is an illusion which created to uphold our slavery from our very own hands.

The media creates the illusion that the candidates are our leaders. In fact, they are members of the elite who also own the media. We've been deceived by small criminal elite who want nothing but one world government and democracy is part of it. we should seek Theo-democracy rather than feudal-democracy or debauchery-democracy.

In conclusion, As i have said above that democracy is a name of fighting 1st in Election 2nd in Selection and 3rd in Perfection but democracy never reaches to Perfection rather reach to Perversion and make us too Perverse. Democracy is a rUSe. OR in other words democracy is Corporatocracy derive from Plutocracy.

U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower himself argued against the strengthening corporatocracy in the form of a military-industrial complex that sets national and international financial, economic, political and military policies due to a permanent war economy.

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Thursday, July 16, 2009

Apocalyptic Armageddon (Part II) China may attack India by 2012

This is the part-2 of Apocalyptic Armageddon Part-1

A leading defense expert has projected that China will attack India by 2012 to divert the attention of its own people from “unprecedented” internal dissent, growing unemployment and financial problems that are threatening the hold of Communists in that country.

“China will launch an attack on India before 2012. There are multiple reasons for a desperate Beijing to teach India the final lesson, thereby ensuring Chinese supremacy in Asia in this century,” Bharat Verma, Editor of the Indian Defence Review, has said.

Verma said the recession has “shut the Chinese exports shop”, creating an “unprecedented internal social unrest” which in turn, was severely threatening the grip of the Communists over the society.

Among other reasons for this assessment were rising unemployment, flight of capital worth billions of dollars, depletion of its foreign exchange reserves and growing internal dissent, Verma said in an editorial in the forthcoming issue of the premier defence journal. In addition to this, “The growing irrelevance of Pakistan, their right hand that operates against India on their behest, is increasing the Chinese nervousness,” he said, adding that US President Barak Obama’s Af-Pak policy was primarily Pak-Af policy that has “intelligently set the thief to catch the thief”.

Verma said Beijing was “already rattled, with its proxy Pakistan now literally embroiled in a civil war, losing its sheen against India.” “Above all, it is worried over the growing alliance of India with the US and the West, because the alliance has the potential to create a technologically superior counterpoise.

“All these three concerns of Chinese Communists are best addressed by waging a war against pacifist India to achieve multiple strategic objectives,” he said.

While China “covertly allowed” North Korea to test underground nuclear explosion and carry out missile trials, it was also “increasing its naval presence in South China Sea to coerce into submission those opposing its claim on the Sprately Islands,” the defence expert said. He said it would be “unwise” at this point of time for a recession-hit China to move against the Western interests, including Japan.

“Therefore, the most attractive option is to attack a soft target like India and forcibly occupy its territory in the Northeast,” Verma said. But India is “least prepared” on ground to face the Chinese threat, he says and asks a series of questions on how will India respond to repulse the Chinese game plan or whether Indian leadership would be able to “take the heat of war”.

“Is Indian military equipped to face the two-front wars by Beijing and Islamabad? Is the Indian civil administration geared to meet the internal security challenges that the external actors will sponsor simultaneously through their doctrine of unrestricted warfare? “The answers are an unequivocal ‘no’. Pacifist India is not ready by a long shot either on the internal or the external front,” the defence journal editor says. In view of the “imminent threat” posed by China, “the quickest way to swing out of pacifism to a state of assertion is by injecting military thinking in the civil administration to build the sinews. That will enormously increase the deliverables on ground – from Lalgarh to Tawang,” he says.

This article originally posted on Times of India

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

God and Mammon©

Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets. Rev. 19:10

True Prophets were 'warners' against evil. They came to set the Divine-order in front of mankind but always manipulated by occult forces. There were one lakh 24 thousands prophets came and went, but never gathered enough who established God-Plan.

Last Prophet Mohammed(pbuh) was being sent for whole of mankind and with complete way of life wrapped in Koran, The Final Salvation. He established complete God-Kingdom on the face of the earth with his disciples.

After Prophet Mohammed(pbuh) demised there are approx 30 prophets till now who arise and claimed self-prophecy like Qadiani sect in Muslim, Zevi sect in Jews and Gnostics sect in Christians.

Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly, they are ravening wolves. Matt. 24:11

Nowadays, we feel shame to talk about Koran and feel its outdated book, sent for that time and for that peoples.

Koran upholds universal-justice and it has complete social-political-economic solutions. But we didn't follow it as it was required, in consequences we are in class-consciousness, divided, deceived, dismal, and Quarantined within the matter of the Earth and declared Failed not WE rather whole mankind is Failed to understand and fail to implement God's Will. which cannot be done unless men and women do it. In my eyes;

"No one can be a super-power without serving the God-Plan"

God doesn't need us, rather we need Him. God is immanent. He's light which never darks, thats why He hidden from our eyes. Can you gaze at the sun for a few mins.? No way, you'll be unsighted. Similarly, God is Light far greater and far flung than we can't see Him.

All we can do is to shine the light. We can do more by shining the light than fighting the darkness. I'm not saying we quit the battle but rather bring more to it. Be in the world but not of it.

To shine the light, we have to live in the Mohammed-mode. No matter how hard will it be. Slam the door on the ego-mind aka evil-mind and soar on the wings of the Spirit.(By obeying God-Commands)

[Islam is all about refusing to be defined by the World.] OR

[Religions are all about refusing to be defined by the Mammon.]

You cannot serve God and Mammon. It's up to your Free-Will. Choice is yours. God is Light, Mammon is Darkness.

To fight the darkness, we've to shine the light. Thats it. Choice is to choose One of Them for your dream-desires. Eternal or External

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Monday, July 13, 2009

Apocalyptic Armageddon (Part 1)

India is planning to raise its military budget by 50% to almost $40 billion, making military expenditure above 3% of the annual gross domestic product (GDP), the Indian defense minister said.

"Our current defense spending is lower than 2% [of GDP]...and it should be at least 3%," A. K. Antony said at a meeting with top military commanders on Tuesday, without specifying a time-frame. India raised its defense spending in February by 10% to $26.5 billion for the fiscal year 2008-2009, but it still fell below 2% of GDP for the first time in at least a decade.

India's neighbors and long-term rivals, Pakistan and China, allocate around 3.5% and 4.3% of GDP to defense, respectively in their new budgets. The minister said top priority must be given to the modernization of the Indian Armed Forces and half of the defense budget should be allocated for the purchase of new military equipment mostly from Israel and Russia. Arm Race aka Armageddon.

Currently two-thirds of India's budget is allocated for military, paramilitary, police, various security forces and debt servicing. That leaves one-third for everything else, including infrastructure development projects, education, health-care, poverty alleviation, and various human services. This new arms buildup by India will leave even less for what India needs most: to lift hundreds of millions of its citizens from abject poverty, hunger, squalor and disease.

I guess Mumbai Attack paved the way for further Indian arm expenditures which is increasing at record high of its history and Pakistan also increase its defense budget on recent country budget. Two fiends who always tries to be a friends but they are fiends and we have been controlled by local and foreign Agencies and by our Poli and Mili leaders.

I Personally believe that Mumbai Attacks and Lahore Attack on Lankan Cricket Team done by same Team none but Mossad in order to escalates our military expenditure so we will go to purchase their arms and carry on Zionists-Apocalyptic-Agenda.

Such an arms buildup by India is sure to fuel an arms race that South Asians can ill afford with widespread abject poverty, hunger, malnutrition and very low levels of human development.

Neither Pakistan nor India can or should continue their misguided arms race, with India using China as its excuse, and Pakistan citing India's current arms buildup, the largest in its history. In Poverty-Hunger Index(PHI), designed to measure progress toward UN's Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), China, ranked 31, is closest to achieving these goals, followed by laggards such as Pakistan at 45, India at 62, and Bangladesh at 67.

And clearly, India, lagging behind both China and Pakistan in terms of basic social indicators of hunger and poverty, is fueling this crazy South Asian apocalyptic-arms race. India continues to show a total lack of leadership on this front.

The South Asian rivals need to recognize, in words and in deeds, that their people are their biggest resource, who must be developed and made much more productive to make the nations more competitive and powerful economically, politically and militarily rather morally. Our Problem is that our Political, Cultural and Military Rulers are Morally Corrupt and They made us too MC.

We are herding towards an Apocalyptic-Agenda wrapped in Protocols of Zion and after reading all Protocols. I gotta that it has a clear motives of greed, wars, recession, degradation of characters, due to this, depression, and depravity, due to this, divisions, and sub-divisions and more sub-sub-divisions in the end [times] it becomes Armageddon. It is known as NWO or more precisely New World Secular Order wrapped in Protocols.

India+Israel and their lackeys are slave to their democracy and they have enslaved us too, They are slave to their human-rights and they have ensnared us too. They are slave to their wealth and they have enslaved us too none but USurious Suckers or USurious Slaves.

In conclusion, Indians+Israel gone astray in a "web of maya" which they call Rosicrusianism or Illuminism or Illuminati, or Enlightenment. Let me tell you clearly this "web of maya" is actually a "web of illusions" or "web of halluci-nations" and this is creating Apocalyptic Armageddon.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Tyranny of USury

Tyranny of USury means global financial crisis as it was materialized in 1929 which paved the way for World War 2.

According to the Weird/World Bank, the current financial crisis started with the collapse of several of the world's largest financial institutions, and has since turned into a global economic crisis. Countries around the world, rich and poor, are feeling its impact in all sectors.

The economic crisis is severely affecting many areas of people's lives and livelihoods, including employment, food prices, interest rates and the money people earn abroad and send back home.

Governments in the world's wealthiest nations are trying to combat the storm through large-scale economic stimulus packages for their economies. The IMF has called this the most severe recession since World War II, and has predicted that the global economy will shrink by 1.3% in 2009.

According to the IMF, the problem grew out of a false sense of security stemming from a long period of high growth, low interest rates and volatility. Bad policy also played a huge role, especially in 3 areas:

  • Financial regulation—which was not equipped to see existing risks and flaws
  • Macroeconomic policies—which did not take into account the build-up of risks in the financial system and in housing markets
  • Global governance—lack of cooperation among experts and senior policy makers got in the way of detecting early warning signs; there is a pressing need for sustainable and inclusive globalization.
World events do not occur by accident: They are made to happen, whether it is to do with national issues or commerce; and most of them are staged and managed by those who hold the purse strings. Denis Healey Former British Defence Secretary

We all are victims of "Tyranny of USury" which enslaved and ensnared all of us in a web of debt. USury if we see it in the light of Islam. It is mentioned in Koran that who don't stop eating USury then there's an open war against them by Allah and His last Messenger later by His followers.

It is also mentioned in Hadiths about USury Mohammed(pbuh) once cited

"Usury has seventy parts, the least important being that a man committed incest."

Usury is largest sin in Islam after Shirk which was forbidden almost in all major religions yet it is impose on our financial and economical issues. I'd like to say that whole financial system is based on USury without it we cannot think to do a business nowadays.

I think we are in for a recession or maybe even a depression but I don't think the Banksters aka Gangsters is ready to stop their Tyranny of USury just yet. I guess, this could be part of a larger scenario leading to World War Three, similar to the role the Great Depression played in 1929 till 1945.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Samsung Announce Solar Powered Cell Phone

Rejoice all you techno-savvy who are tormented by Load-shedding curse. Samsung announced the E1107 Crest Solar cell phone–the first of its kind fueled by the power of the sun.

This dual-band 900/1800MHz GSM phone encases a large solar cell on the back cover that can charge its 800mAh battery. According to Samsung, the phone (when turned off) can run 5-10 minutes for every hour it charges under the sun. Could come in quite handy the next time you’re stuck on a deserted island…

Other features include:

  • Built-in FM radio
  • MP3 ringers
  • Flashlight function
  • Mobile Tracker (security feature which alerts when the SIM is swapped)
  • Fake call function to get out of that lousy date
  • 1.52 inch, 128×128 pixel CSTN display
  • 40 polyphonic ring tones
  • Dimensions: 4.1in x 1.7in x 0.6in)

Expect the E1107 Crest Solar cell phone to launch in our markets this July. It is specially design for rural areas of South Asia, South East Asia and Latin Americas. This can be a phone for Pakistanis who are desperately needed solar powered cell-phones due to lacking electricity in our country.

It is just beginning and I hope later Samsung will be able to developed more Solar based cell phones and will increase its talk time. Let's see whether be it a heal of our wounds.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Bush and Hillary "Bowel Buddy" Brushes

What are you waiting for? hurry up before its sold out because officially it has been discontinue so go and buy these items to clean your a$$wholes and Toilet wholes.

Google Giant Planning To Launch OS

As we all know about Google search engine one of the finest and genius search engine on the entire internet. It has many others well-known major products like free Gmail, Blogger, Web-browser Chrome, G-Earth, G-maps, Image Search and now OS. I'm a big fan of Google and I let everything forgot except Google which is my homepage.

Google seems to get involved in every minor to major kind of Tech, whether be it desktop/internet search engine, Toolbar, G-mail, Blogging, Adsense, Orkut, G-maps, Picasa, G-news, G-docs, YouTube and cell-phones Android which i never use rather I'm using HTC Microsoft based PPC and now I'm seriously planning to convert on Android.

Google Chrome OS is a new project, separate from android. Android was designed from the beginning to work across a variety of devices from phones to set-top boxes to netbooks.
OS will be available for consumers in the second half of 2010. Because Google already talking to partners about the project, and Google soon be working with the open source community.

Google is releasing a lightweight, open-source PC-operating system later this year, the company announced Tuesday night, a move that threatens the very heart of Microsoft, long seen as Google’s biggest rival.

Chrome OS is intended to be a very lightweight, quick-starting operating system whose central focus is supporting Google’s Chrome browser. Applications will run mostly inside the browser, making the web — not the desktop — into the computer’s default operating system.

Google Chrome OS will run on both x86 as well as ARM chips and they are working with multiple OEMs to bring a number of netbooks to market next year. The software architecture is simple — Google Chrome running within a new windowing system on top of a Linux kernel.

In last, I'd like to say good luck Google in their terrific effort to bring another tech based smoking-gun.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Can Sub-Continent Democracy Serve Its People?

Indians are drumbeater of world's largest democracy in their country while Pak remain lowest and unstable democracy in the world despite there are several pols who did take their edu from Oxford and other democratic western universities notably BB who came twice and gone without completing her tenure on charges of corruption and extra-judicial killings.

Let's analyze both country Demo 1st Indian due to their largest democracy.

With the clear mandate for his Congress Party in recently concluded general elections, Indian PM, Mr. Singh is King has won once again the right and responsibility to deal with huge financial challenges in front of him. In addition to the well-known social problems of hunger, poverty, lack of sanitation and poor infrastructure, Mr. Singh has to cope with the effects of the oppressive and ingrained caste system and religious intolerance as well as the growing nexus between crime and politics in Indian democracy. The new parliament has elected 153 tainted members, some of whom have been convicted or accused of serious crimes, including murder and rape.

Nexus of Crime and Politics:

About 153 members of the new Indian parliament have either been convicted and appealed or currently accused of various crimes. A major problem is that individuals charged with even the most serious crimes are allowed to stand if they have been convicted but their cases are under appeal, according to Times Online. “The speed of the Indian judicial system means it can take 30 years to complete a case – easily long enough to live out a full political career,” Mr Himanshu Jha, of the National Social Watch Coalition, said to the Times Online recently.

This nexus of crime and politics in India developed in two stages - in the first stage, Indian politicians used criminal elements and gangsters to control polling stations and intimidate their rivals; this gave legitimacy to these people and they decided to contest elections for themselves rather than merely act as mussel men (baahubali) for other politicians. There are many examples of this pattern, such as Munna Shukla and Shahabudin in Bihar, Raju Bhaiyya in U.P and Arun Gawli of Mumbai.

Most Indian politicians have used their election wins to significantly enrich themselves, according to their own pre-election declarations of assets. For example, the comparison of assets of candidates who won in 2004 and sought re-elections in 2009 shows that the wealth of UP politicians has grown by 559%, over five times, in five years, second only to their Karnataka counterparts who registered a growth of 693% in the same period, according to

The Caste System:

The entire culture and governance of India is heavily influenced by the caste system that legitimizes abuse and exploitation of one group of people by another. It plays a significant role in voting patterns as well. Indians usually vote their caste rather than cast their votes. There is a counter argument to this concept of oppression: What about the lower caste politicians who also have risen to authority? The response is: Can they be different from the social milieu they belong to? Other issues include the lack of democratic structures inside India’s political parties and a culture of corruption fostered by a stifling level of bureaucracy.

Social Deprivation:

India, often described as peaceful, stable and prosperous in the Western media, remains home to the largest number of poor and hungry people in the world.
The UN Millennium Develop Goals listed below remain distant for the Indian people:

1 Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
2 Achieve universal primary education
3 Promote gender equality and empower women
4 Reduce child mortality
5 Improve maternal health
6 Combat HIV/Aids, malaria, and other diseases
7 Ensure environmental sustainability
8 Develop a global partnership for development

About one-third of the world's extremely poor people live in India. More than 450 million Indians exist on less than $1.25 a day, according to the World Bank. It also has a higher proportion of its population living on less than $2 per day than even sub-Saharan Africa. India has about 42% of the population living below the new international poverty line of $1.25 per day. The number of Indian poor also constitute 33% of the global poor, which is pegged at 1.4 billion people, according to a Times of India news report. More than 6 million of those desperately poor Indians live in Mumbai alone, representing about half the residents of the nation's financial capital. They live in super-sized slums and improvised housing juxtaposed with the shining new skyscrapers that symbolize India's resurgence. According to the World Bank and the UN Development Program (UNDP), 22% of Pakistan's population is classified as poor.

There is widespread hunger and malnutrition in all parts of India. India ranks 66th on the 2008 Global Hunger Index of 88 countries while Pakistan is slightly better at 61 and Bangladesh slightly worse at 70. The first India State Hunger Index (Ishi) report in 2008 found that Madhya Pradesh had the most severe level of hunger in India, comparable to Chad and Ethiopia. Four states — Punjab, Kerala, Haryana and Assam — fell in the 'serious' category. "Affluent" Gujarat, 13th on the Indian list is below Haiti, ranked 69. The authors said India's poor performance was primarily due to its relatively high levels of child malnutrition and under-nourishment resulting from calorie deficient diets.

India might be an emerging economic power, but it is way behind Pakistan, Bangladesh and even Afghanistan in providing basic sanitation facilities, a key reason behind the death of 2.1 million children under five in the country.

Lizette Burgers, chief of water and environment sanitation of the Unicef, recently said India is making progress in providing sanitation but it lags behind most of the other countries in South Asia. A former Indian minister Mr Raghuvansh Prasad Singh told the BBC that more than 65% of India's rural population defecated in the open, along roadsides, railway tracks and fields, generating huge amounts of excrement every day.

Comparison with Pakistan:

Unlike Indian democracy where middle class has a bigger role, Pakistani democracy remains largely dominated by the feudal class. Pakistani parliament is dominated by big landowners who have a sense of entitlement to rule, even though they pay no taxes on their farm income. They routinely escape prosecution for the crimes they commit against their own people. When they do get caught and charged with serious crimes, they use political influence and their deal-making power to beat the rap. Musharraf's US-sponsored amnesty (dubbed NRO) for late Benazir Bhutto, her widower Asif Zardari and other political leaders now in power offers a prime example of how the politicians are not held to account for serious crimes of corruption and murder. Some of the Taliban in Swat used the widespread grievances of the tenant farmers against their landlords as justification for Shariah-based Nizam-e-Adl to provide speedy justice.

Future of Sub-Continent Democracy:

Majority of the poor and rural Indians and now Pakis are sustaining democracy at a great cost to accept their leaders in turn their leaders accept them and will give them rooti, kaapra aur maakan. Zardari is a hubby of late kleptocrat

Contrasting Indian democracy with Chinese one-party rule, a British minister recently said that the number of poor people had dropped in the one-party communist state by 70% since 1990 but had risen in the world's biggest democracy by 5%. No one knows how long will the average Indian and Pakistanis have to wait before the fruits of democracy to reach to them. In the meanwhile, Maoists (and other revolutionaries) are gaining momentum and threatening a revolution to bring about a visible improvement in the lives of the poor.

Similarly in Pakistan (Islamic revolutionaries) known as Talibans and Al-Qaeda are gaining momentum and threatening a revolution to bring about a visible or invisible improvement in the lives of poor-pakis.

At a minimum, Indian government should make the necessary investments to meet the UN Millennium Development Goals. As the UNICEF said last year, unless India achieves major improvements in health, nutrition, water and sanitation, education, gender equality and child protection, the global efforts to reach the MDGs will fail.

Pakistan has ranked 10th most failed state in the world while we've a democracy. We should decide we want Democracy or Theo-democracy. I want your views please write your comments on Democracy or Theo-democracy which one do you want?

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Protocols of Zion: Mankind Death Wish ©

You must be familiar with the Political-Protocols known as VVIP Protocols. Whenever our country PM or President or Chief Minister or Governor travel to any of its city. They use VVIPs Protocol which cause terrific traffic jams. Many got lost their lives in these traffic jams but VVIP Personalities are more important than ordinary public whose vote they got and come into power but after gaining power who cares whom. Democracy is a ruse for all of those who are rubes.

The Chief Minister and the Governor of Punjab are on the top among those availing VVIP protocol during their outdoor activities. Following instruction from the top, barriers are placed to close the roads and traffic signals are switched off on the entire route of these VVIPs. In my eyes these VVIPs = Very Very Idiot Persons

You also must be familiar of computer-protocols known as TCP/IP. This is one of the primary Protocol which runs the Internet without TCP/IP there'd be no internet. There are also other protocols like FTP (File Transfer Protocol) POP3 (Post Office Protocol 3) HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) and so on.

But many of us might not aware of one Protocol known as Protocols of Elder of the Zion one of the dangerous and malevolent design protocol which is actually the blueprint of New World Secular Order. Its real not a forgery and It is based on Jewish World Domination.

Protocols of Zion, which at base is crass paganism, pantheistic atheism, a congeries of all the forms paganism which ranked non-jews an animals, has no property rights and no legal living rights under any code whatsoever as they did in Palestine and more recently doin' in Iraq and in Afpak.

After reading this I got shocked and couldn't sleep well for few days. It is assumed that these Protocols are most widely read book after the bible in western countries and I marveled at Christians who adopted Jewish (Rothschild) demented-dreams of world domination who also consider Christians as 'goyim' and want to overthrow their Christian civilization based on Jesus vision.

Rothschild is one of the richest man on the face of the earth due to fatten of his USury. This might be a caused behind [kike-goyim] cohesion thru FED. which he calls in protocols Tyranny of USury (at end bottom) and this Tyranny is undoubtedly written by the Rothschilds and his cronies. Whoever tried to come in their way and oppose their Protocols either being killed or turned terrorists

These protocols has infiltrated and subverted all world religions including most of Islam and created sordid-schism among masses and take them toward apocalyptic-agenda to absorb all world governments and as well as all world wealth. Materialism Replaces Religion (Protocols IV) As my title pic's demonstrating read my Marranos Who Worship Mammon.

Rothschild his minions and allies are modern day Pharaoh dy-nasty on the face of this earth and they are working day and nights to bring misery on humanity by means of wars, recession, depressions, genocide, divisions and depravity and they are very cunning which make them Sole- shoe Super Power of the world.

" We Muslims are Soul Super Power of the WOrld."

In conclusion, We should denounce this Protocol of Zion and stand to fight for our right to stay free under one God and His commandments which has been on our back and we don't care about it.

We should uplift Divine-Order instead of New World Order and hold rope of Allah who only is our savior and we should seek spiritual revival and must not be divided among ourselves.

Else we will continue to succumb to a Reign of Evil-Protocols which divides and creates sordid-schism and this is the Fruit of Hegel halluci-Nations.

Monday, July 6, 2009

They Don't Care About Us ©

As we come to know about King of Pop Mr. Michael Jackson mysterious death. He was a fan of millions of people around the globe. He had created black or white magic by his singing and break-dancing abilities.

I was once indulged in his charisma and turned his fan, due to this. I had his T-shirts, CDs, DVDs and as well as Posters and Wallpapers but few years back I've come to conclusion that he has been used for public mind-control.

I was keen listener of his songs and tried to understand what he said in his songs my friends got amazed how do I understand MJ songs. I told them its easy. All you've to do is to download his lyrics and read it twice or thrice and you are ready to understand him. So one day I downloaded his JAM song lyrics and I found it blasphemous.

He says in his JAM song that False Prophets Cry Of Doom. Since then I burnt his every poster and whatever I had related to him.

I believe that Prophets cannot be falsed. If Prophets false then God is also false and His books which He sent unto His chosen Peoples/Prophets are also false.

I also believe that every true prophet will and did cry of doom because prophets were warner against evil and they call people to prepare for next life which is waiting for mankind and do not indulge in this worldly wealth which is temporary and full of illusions.

I'm amazed that one time multi-million dollar man Michael being died under $400m of debt. What a curse God show to him and his family.

Movies and the Music industry are big mind control centers, used by the Luciferians to influence us in ways that fit their goals. i.e to deny existence of God and His Prophets.

Michael Jackson has also reluctantly admitted to being deeply involved in the occult. He has his own special room with all the walls full of mirrors, where he lives out his occult practices and calls up demons from the spiritual world. He also has said he wakes up in the morning with a whole song in his head - lyrics and music - and he himself is in awe about it. I didn't write this. Someone else did... I am simply the courier who brings the message to this world! Maybe it was the demons that possess you, who wrote those songs, Michael?
False Prophets Cry of Doom.

We always portray music as a 'food of soul'. No, its totally wrong its no longer a food of soul. It can be food of sole but not soul. It is design to distract us from right path and make us accomplice to occult agenda and they don't really care about us.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Marranos Who Worship Mammon ©

Every Civilization is based on Religion; and religion means [Divine-Order] which we need for our own fulfillment. Religion is as important for our soul as food for our body on daily basis. Religion provides day to day problems solution if you're among those who understand. But we are only nominal-Muslims due to globalization.

For Muslim Women rather World Women can understand Divine feminism in last God-Guidance KORAN, don't abhor its like a bible we do study Bible you can read our conflict

Well there's a complete chapter-4 for Women in Koran but not a chapter for Men. I ponder then I realize that Iblees seduced Eve 1st then Eve seduced Adam to go and eat from forbidden tree and both committed sh*t-sin. As ye know women are Satan 1st weapon of Men-destruction.

So there's a chapter in Koran to teach Women its cool-chapter for women which uphold their modesty and give them moral order but alas matter/mammon resists and led wo-men astray thru Hollywood aka Bollywood and Womanize***++ aka Feminism which is a 'gift of gulag' for any Woman.

No one can serve two masters. He will hate the first master and love the second, or he will be devoted to the first and despise the second. You cannot serve God and mammon. (Matthew 6:24)

And there never was a nation, without a warner having lived among them in the past. (Al Qur’an 35:24)

So one Religion came and superseded by others but teaches almost the same message like Oneness of God and worship Him alone and do Justice, and speak Truth, and abstain from usury, sodomy, killings, lies, fornications and 'black magics' etc etc

Every religion is being infiltrated and subverted by Lucifer and his lovers incl. most of Islam but Islam is last and final Guidance for whole of Mankind which uphold Universal Justice which we desperately needed in these times when Civilizations are themselves threatened to collapse. Civil war is being predicted by Leo Zagami in 2012 and it seems that we are herding towards it.

This is the Cosmic Struggle between God and Satan. We humans are dependent on God-Guidance who can only give us Universal Justice/Brotherhood but Lucifer feels that man himself is a g0d and can make whatever laws he pleases, Self-deification is an idolatry and create injustice due to one feel He's a g0d and other races will surely be animals ready for slaughter esp Muslims.

Here Conflict starts and will end on Qiyamah and day of reckoning is only for "Justice" because self-deification is unjust.

Its Cabalistic Egregore aka Ego which abhor Religions, born since Manna days and that was the caused of Jewish downfall aka diaspora…Cabala is the center of Jewish Egregore.
Egregore is basically a Lucifer-Ego which has transmigrated into Manna folks and they started serve Mammon instead of God.

FED and Bank of EUK cartel is root cause of our predicament like our financial woes and human loses and their suffering.

Rothschild ye can also call him either Jewish, Sabbatean, Marrano, USurious sucker, Mammon-worshiper OR 'son of Satan. He controlled UK since 1694 when he created conflict I mean Bank of England which usurped our government's money and its spending rights..remember IMF=International Mother Fuckers.

Warburgs another Banker from same cabal went US in 1901 and created FED in 1913 and Hijacked US and its peoples+plebes and their economy+democracy.

They are unjust usurious suckers and capitalism cartoonists who are waging-war on humanity to gain control all world-wealth and degrade and decadent mankind except their own because they claim Self-deification which is an unjust idolatry and tyranny which creates conflict and injustice, wars and genocide, recession and depression, divisions and depravity and so on.

EUK and US their minions and allies are fighting for G.O.D
1. Gold
2. Oil
3. Drugs

I'm gonna quote from their own book none but Bible which beautifully slay Mammon.

Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Matthew 6.19-21

In conclusion, Mammon failed us, because it ultimately has no purpose, other than ripping other people off.
This is what we desperately need to understand right now and that's why i often proclaim, yell and even wrote in my profile that

Kill Mammon instead of Mohammed and Jesus ...

Friday, July 3, 2009

Democracy is a ruse ©

Democracy which means "rule by the people" or "voted by the majority" is a ruse for all of those who are rubes.

Democracy is a name of fighting 1st in Election 2nd in Selection 3rd in Perfection.

Does politicians get time for public well-being after getting too busy in fighting in these 3 sectors.?

Democracy looks like a charade so I urge to all our pols that they should sell out their Benz and buy a 'charade' car. Haan you can't why not? acha then read below

This is not Democracy rather it is Plutocracy which handicapped Judiciary so they plutocrats may get a carte-blanche to do whatever they want to do under the guise of Democracy and Dictatorship.

How funny that feudal-fanatics yelled for Democracy in our country whose ruling class are bunch of feudals and they gotta chance like ZAB who yelled alot about Democracy but he himself was a feudal so he never came out from his feudal skin and we remain feudalistic country.

Benazir Bhutto, drumbeater of western-style secular democracy and why not, after all she took her education from Oxford and she was a daughter of feudal-democratic type father, finally got back Pakistan and what the heck she did.? She gone twice on corruption and extra judicial killings without completeting her tenure. No one kicked her out except her own chosen president Mr.Leghari. I'm wondering what did she study in Oxford? It explains stupefying education system of the west.

The election legitimize an illegitimates(NRO) and makes us accomplices to government who are thoroughly corrupt and immoral elite. It is far better to disassociate oneself from the sorry affair. Thats why I never ever cast my vote to any party many may find it unpatriotic act but I do what I feel right.I'm free will guY-sir

I cannot participate in a system that slaughters its own citizens as a pretext for war on terror. are totalitarian-terrorists and as well as traitors.

Democracy is the feudalistic elite's preferred method of deceiving and controlling the plebes/peoples. Do you remember 1971? who was behind that partitioned none but ZAB. Do you remember 1993-4 killings of Mohajirs.? Who did it none but BB. Democracy is an illusion which created to uphold our slavery from our very own hands.

The media creates the illusion that the candidates are our leaders. In fact, they are members of the elite who also own the media. We've been deceived by small criminal elite who want nothing but one world government and democracy is part of it. we should seek Theo-democracy rather than feudal-democracy or debauchery-democracy.

I need your astute comments on this topic. I feel lonely. C'mon and give your comments. I'm waiting.