I rarely hang my country flag on top of my house on 14th of august. Do you think that I'm unpatriotic?. You can think so but mY-blog itself demonstrate that I'm more patriotic than anyone else. All I feel that we gotta illusory-independence from Britishers.
If you still think that we really gotta real independence from UK and we should celebrate it in a haughty way then you got to be a fool.
The world most racist and rascal Raj was British-Raj which is still working on our heads. They came and intruded our lands I will talk about Britishers who came to Pakistan with the Hegel formula known as Divide and Rule based on ISMS.
They came in sub-continent for loots, divisions, sub-divisions and more sub-sub-divisions in which we are impasse in 2day and being deceived, divided, dismal, decadent and Quarantined within the matter of the Earth, in consequences we have been recently ranked world 10th top most failed state. read my False policy ranks Pakistan 10th most failed state.
They also came to uproot the Islamic rule which was gaining momentum at that time due to Muslims honesty in trade but they replace every honesty into dishonesty.
This is their false policy not Muslims policy which is taking all of us towards Armageddon. Are you seeking any new revolution but b4 seeking any new revolution get glimpse on past revolutions.
You may be familiar with Industrial revolution (1700 working since BoE came into being) French revolution(1789) Bolshevik revolution(1917) but you may not know that before all these 3 revolutions there was a 1st revolution known as Banking-revolution when rejected and dejected soles created the 1st Bank of England in 1694 based on Tyranny of USury none but sordid-sin.
I'm talking about Rothschilds soles/souls . The king of kikes. He created BoE and never look back. He and his cronies sponsored all major intruding, revolutions, looting, wars, drug smuggling, human trafficking, prostitution human/hate laws, homosexuality and genocide and so on since the 17th century and they have also usurped our governments money and its spending rites. Keep in mind this 17th century which gave us Enlightenment aka Age of Reason.Have you understood?
Our sub-continent was in their control and they chose their feudal in their long list like Sir Shah Nawaz Bhutto. Who was he? None but yes-man of the Britishers who gave him land in Sindh to suck blood of peasants. Britishers gave him their education of Hegel known as "dialectical process" based on Feudalism. Thats why you can apparently see our ruling class are bunch of Feudal and never cease to take Oxford/Owlford education. Which makes one's "stupefy-sir" instead of "guY-sir." Another stupefy-sir is coming from Owlford BB son Bilawal.
What we call Independence day is a part of global phenomena known as Globalization or one-world-government to give independence to every country and create conflicts among them like Kashmir in between India and Pakistan plus give them our education and democracy+dictatorship=despotism so they all carry on an apocalypse-agenda known as New World Secular Order. Which motto is "the less there is of you, the more there is for us."

Our govt and our bankers who are none but hand puppets of the west. Shaukat Aziz and now Shaukat Tareen an examples in Finance and Mush now Zardari is an example in Politics. They were/are doing nothing except bringing misery on their own people. Ostensibly, our govt running on IMF aids another Shortcut Tareen(b4 Aziz) who's an open agent of west bankers and he's dealing and begging IMF.
On behalf of IMF they have removed subsidy on Electricity further they have increased Electricity bills around 30%. Will it help to curb our load-shedding crisis? I don't think so rather it will escalate more social unrest and public will go for more Kunday(illegal connections) than ever before.
Our leaders are nothing but sordid-sanctimonious who are building a better world nope they are building a battle world leading all of us towards a civil-war and they are doing nothing except bringing misery on their own public rather than combating their basic necessities like electricity, gas and water from their own resources rather They are looking towards the same UK to whom we gotta independence which has now turned into US.
They are bringing misery in terms of cutting subsidies and waging gratuitous-war towards their own public which is creating real horror all is under duress of IMF-US-UN-EUK and our leaders have lost in this war and will lost everything and they are really going to hell for sure if they continue their same policy.
We all have been distracted by Entertainment, Sports, Sex and Trivia and there's not even a little honest discussion of our predicament. The govt is waging economic and physical war towards us and we don't even know it.
A distracted, dysfunctional population.pk, deprived of its religious history and culture, will not recognize its fate in time. Public.pk, gelded and debased, will not be able to resist UK Imperialism.
The New World Order, and so-called Enlightenment, is the product of the desire of the UK/US Imperialism backed by Jewish-moneylenders to translate its monopoly over credit into a monopoly over all wealth, politics and culture. The ultimate goal is to wrest humanity esp Muslims from Allah purpose.
Shame on our Governments since Ayub to Zardari. A to Z are A$$-wholes.
Allah.O.Akbar. Pakistan Zindabad. Allah Hafiz.
Your English is deteriorating fast my friend.Wrath's child or his idiot cousins got a consensus and stuck to a simple plan.To counter this I would suggest a sustained effort at self-empowerment for ALL by listening to cd's watching dvd's etc.Most of the populous has been kept deliberately deprived of education and opportunity out of fear.Eliminate fear,except of Allah,by pushing a positive agenda.Lets not dwell on what satan is upto,lets be thankful for what Allah has blessed us with and ask him for more, then focus 101% on it.
ReplyDeleteWhatever you said I agree. But, What do you mean by that. Your english is deteriorating fast my friend? R U From Norway?
ReplyDeleteGood stuff.
ReplyDeleteAnd btw, language is for communication. So as long as you can communicate your thoughts to others, be it through english, urdu or signs, your language is alright.
Some people project the situation like Pakistan was making progress by leaps and bounds, there was even no single issue and as the Zardari came into power, he created mess and responsible for all the set-backs and miseries.
ReplyDeleteWhy we forget the situation before the democratic Govt came into rule?
Just analyze the situation before a democratic Govt came into power, Terrorism was at the peak, Economy was much fragile even it was said that Pakistan is going to bankruptcy, democratic institutions were at the verge of destruction and Pakistan was the passing through the critical time of history but now Our economy is much stable, Terrorism has been curbed and democratic institution are stable than ever.
What I mean is sometimes your words resonate very powerful sentiment.This would resonate with anyone who has emotional and intellectual intelligence,at other times the energy is somewhat dissipated because the simple clear focus is lost by the reader,e.g I couldn't yet fwd all your work to friends or colleagues.Words have immense power,what we think,write,believe we see.The most dangerous weapon in the world is 'half-assed' information which has been a plague upon humanity since the advent of 24 hr 'noose' channels.I respect what you do,else I wouldn't have taken the time.Your appealing to the humanity in all of us,the human spirit is spurred on by: 'excellence as a habit not a virtue',Aristotle.
ReplyDeleteThank you for taking the time,now,I'm off to Norway.