EU = Egregore Union which engulfed us all which is "collective group mind" made in hallucinatory factory which creates halluci-Nations instead of happy-Nations.
As you can observe this 'collective group mind' aka 'thoughtform' that recently UNato chief says to their public and army that we all should be collectively united against our common enemy means Islam not so-called terrorists. If they are then you are high-tech-terrorists who produced these low-tech terrorists where i guess in your Hallucinated Factories.
In other simple words Egregore is an Evil-ego which engulfed us all. Evil Union are child's of Rothschild. Germany is their HQ in EU and in English wOrld their HQ 1st UK 2nd US. He (Rothschild) who feed 'em via Fed. They like a CIA = Corrupt Interlink Asses are with us everywhere.
In Pakistan they US-CIA have got bases and giving mind and make-believe training to our army which they 1st got themselves from Anton LaVey. Who's he?
American founder and High Priest of the Church of Satan. I guess his family migrated from one EU country name France.Aren't your priests and pastors become Satanists? Aren't they pedophiles?. Isn't your church turned cabala?. Isn't your pope become p00p? isn't it your culture turn ca-ca? Aren't you become coprophagous instead of carpophagous countries? Aren't you become secular instead of sacred? don't you follow materialism aka satanism instead of monotheism?
Isn't it a manifestation of your own perpetual nightmares? that's why i am sayin' openly, swiftly and loudly without censor
EUK+EUS+UNato = Egregore Unions aka Evil Unions.
For that reason I got my own rule and wanna rule the wOrld instantly. gimme a chance and get out from your present light of plight.
I wanna rule the world. Who wanna join my blog? let's check it out. Those who differs then Kaddish for Caddish.
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