My zodiac sign is Leo aka Lion aka King of Jungle. He who wanna rule not only Jungle but the wHole wOrld. Who wanna join mYa-sir party?
I am guY-sir® derive from guYasir™
I am really a Great talker. Sexy and passionate. Who have a vision to rule. Laid back. Knows how to have fun. Is really good at. Great kisser. Unpredictable. Outgoing. Down to earth. Addictive. Attractive.... Well-educated....Loud. Loves being in long relationships. Talkative. Not one to mess with. Rare to find. Good when found.. who's good in goody..wanna join mYa-sir party.? He has a vision to rule.
Our problems are systematic and can't be changed unless we fight for the genuine change. What many of us who resides abroad and seek cupidity no way they all are seeking stupidity there.
How come you live in a country which calls you an alien, a 3rd class citizen from 3rd world country and how your body and souls get agree to clean white-soles and their toilets no matter how much deserving qualifier you are but 1st you'll have to done these steps in order to progress and prosper your illusory-lifestyle abroad.
Isn't it better to stay in your country, to fight for genuine change without fear of losing your life, wipe out these cowardly-caddish regime led by perverse-politicians and megalomaniac-military men???
We've been here in this world for "Test" how many of us do care for this test, except for their matric, bachelor, mastery test, these all test are worldly and stupefying in its nature. You'll be indoctrinated in those universities. You'll not get the truth and civic values. Contemporary education is a smug-screen put on for the yokels.
In other words, our civilization is leaderless and committed to its own destruction. This is portrayed as "progress" (which it is for the Elite.)
The system provided widespread prosperity during Mush era in order to consolidate its power. Now, it's moving to the next stage: absorbing all wealth of our country and enslaving the masses (under the pretext of the credit crisis and war on terror.) It may look like the State owns all the banks and all the property, but the State today is merely a surrogate for the IMF. remember
IMF=International Mother Fuckers.
Don't be an IMF and don't fuck your own Mother land. Get ready, tighten your belly-belt and stand, yell and fight and join my party and get the vision to rule.