But in reality both words contain huge difference in their meanings and in their purpose as well.
We human beings have gotta soul instead of sole which is a cause of our breathing and without breath there's no life.
Every soul shall have a taste of death (Al-Qur'an 3: 185)
Who has given us breath and who takes back to it.? Once we ponder we glorify the beauty of the supreme moral force called God aka Creator. He who give us soul and didn't tell much about it. Its kind of Order by Him so we can worship Him alone and serve His Plan for humanity.
What's that Plan and where one can find it.? Hmm that's the point but its simple one can easily find in their sacred-scriptures which tells Creator Plan.
But due to Free-Will which God has given us in presence of rebellion Lucifer in order to judge His mankind whether they fulfill My Plan or Lucifer Plan.
Humanity is in between Satan(ego) and Spirit(soul)… We've to have choose in between them to get progress and prosper our lives.
We've got ego and spirit in our body… Ego is one which generates negative, greedy, possessive and uncompensated thoughts in our minds.
While Spirit is one which keeps balance in all and take you toward Divine-spark which we need for our own fulfillment.
No one can serve two masters. He will hate the first master and love the second, or he will be devoted to the first and despise the second. You cannot serve God and mammon. Matthew 6:24
Ostensibly, we will have to choose between one God and several Satan's.
If we choose God we will get peace, piousness and prosperity. Whereas if we choose Satan we will get persuasion, perversity and persecutions.
God is visible and invisible and Satan also visible and invisible both wants human to work for them.
It generates duplicity to whom we should serve most often we are deceived by Satan and do evil thinking and thinks we are doin' good.
How to overcome Evil?
Evil is self-destructive and has been deaf from God's Plan.Why? because Evil has his own plan.What? Completely contrary to God like destruction of Mankind via greed, lie, pornography, sodomy, usury, casino, incest, intoxications, divisions and in last but not in least ISMS aka illusions. These all are forbidden acts in Creator-Plan but they all are most welcome in Lucifer-plan.
So ultimately, battle is for the soul of humanity, why don't you defend your own soul from Lucifer illusions like He 1st created in the Garden of Eden.
Since Fall of Man there were several Prophets came and told Creator Plan to do fulfill and get space in Heaven but few did pay attention and rest gone astray.
God finally sent "Seal of Prophets" last and final prophet of Arab for humanity and He also brought in the same message which other Prophets like Moses and Jesus brought before means Mono-Religion
But the difference between their Prophets and our last Prophet is that God-Plan was fulfilled only by the hands of Mohammad(pbuh) and his disciples.
We Muslims thinks that we are the [last chosen people] of the God and will redefine reality. Whereas jews/goys thinks that they were [1st chosen people] of the God and still remain so we shall redefine reality by means of war, depression, recession, depravity or in other words by being sole-super-power of the WOrld's.
World has Come to its Final Stage:
Prophets came and set the Divine-Order but it was always being manipulated by occult forces and they led [1st chosen people] astray who led rest astray.
The battle between Muslims and Infidels is battle for system instead of mammon. WE Muslims want to establish God-Plan or God-Rules on his made-fe-male-earth written in Koran. We don't put humanity before religion rather put religion before humanity and then we look what religion says because mono-religion is as important for our souls as food for our body. Its different we are only nominal-Muslims due to globalization.
The last and final revelation which sent for whole of humanity not only for Muslims holds Moral rules and regulations to progress our lives in peace with prosperity and sanity or in other words to get prosper by being Soul-Super-Power of the WOrld's.
This is end times….I ain't kidding...don't be scare....we all have to die one day...but die like a LION instead of LIAR. Don't let your soul down under a sole and squash it. Try to understand Soul. Which will be answerable on the Day of Judgment. So Shine the Soul.
We cannot find God to seek how He looks like and how powerful He is and can we overcome at Him? Nah, its all rubbish and evil thinking we all can find God and His Plan by serve Him alone thus serve His humanity and God-Will cannot be done unless men do it.
If we won't obey and fulfill God-Plan and won't wake up to fight for his cause then there's no difference between Humans and Animals and There's no difference between Soul and Sole. Now do you able to differentiate?
Sole vs Soul
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